Heen/Royal Chronicles

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In the effort of keeping an archive of the Royal history, Queen Martana Curs ordered a group of fifty clerks to note all down in the Royal Chronicles. This is believed to be one of the first documents in any realm that would hold the complete history of Royal desicions and actions.

Gaius Marius Angmar

  • Founder of the Kingdom of Heen through a secession as Duke to save Varyamo Nolvo from rebel forces.
  • Fled to Varyamo Nolvo when Heen's internal politics had joined the rebel cause; abandonned his title.

The First Monarch of Heen, King Scion the Skilled Twinblade

  • Succeeded Gaius Marius Angmar as first true King of Heen.
  • Began the War for Survival and Purification.
  • Became a founder member of the Ceded Cities Alliance.
  • Established the Alliance with Sint.
  • Lead Heen to victory over Vice and Varyamo Nolvo.
  • Announced the first Constitution of Heen. (25-01-2007)
  • Stepped down from rulership.(2-04-2007)

The Second Monarch of Heen, Queen Martana Curs

  • Succeeded Scion the Skilled Twinblade. (4-04-2007)
  • Inciting a higher awareness of the Heenite cultural legacy over time. Such are Martana's Scriptures and Cultural Stories and Songs. (24-03-2007)
  • Adding Article II, Amendement II to the Constitution of Heen. (10-04-2007)
  • Initialising a new military system to get the military back on tracks, including a division between a homeguard army and a main army. (10-04-2007)
  • Improving relations with the Kingdom of Alluran from 'Hatred' to 'Neutral' as per wish of the Heenite nobility. (11-04-2007)
  • Declaring neutrality to Ashborn to help Sint in its quest to terminate the civil war. (17-04-2007)
  • Erasing of any surviving Hedonism traces in Latlan. (22-04-2007)
  • Establishing formal Soil Non-Transgression Pact with Mesh. (24-04-2007)
  • Establishing formal Temporal Neutrality Pact with Old Grehk. (05-05-2007)
  • Adding Article I, Amendment IV to the constitution of Heen. (09-05-2007)
  • Altered Article I, Amendement II and III of the constitution of Heen. (16-05-2007)
  • Bestowing lordship over Watto upon Sir Bayloc Dajeli. (16-05-2007)
  • Bestowing lordship over Latlan upon Sir Fror Dwarf. (31-05-2007)
  • Bestowing lordship over Ling upon Sir Linker Habap. (01-06-2007)
  • Bestowing lordship over Sotrebar upon Sir Frederic Fortescue. (03-06-2007)
  • Improving relations with Valentia from 'Neutral' to 'Peace'. (06-06-2007)
  • Improving relations with Ashborn from 'War' to 'Neutral'. (06-06-2007)
  • Improving relations with Plergoth from 'Neutral' to 'Peace'. (12-06-2007)
  • Reaching a total population of 40.000 civilians in the united regions of Heen. (16-06-2007)
  • Improving relations with Mesh from 'Neutral' to 'Peace'. (24-06-2007)
  • Improving relations with Ashborn from 'Neutral' to 'Peace'. (25-06-2007)
  • Signing a federation with Vlaanderen. (16-06-2007)