Itorunt Informer/June '07

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This is all the thanks I get?!
The Itorunt Informer
Free, although we like it when you throw money.
Written by Ichigo Kurosaki, Thray Walsh, Arlian Bedwyr, and now, once again, (thankfully) Valdid Juramona.
Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt. May Edition


A Departure and Faraway Invasion

Arlian, one of our occasional editors, left this morning for the island of Beluaterra. He announced his departure about a day and half ago with a letter explaining his reason:

Lords and Ladies of Itorunt, I am afraid it is time for me to move on. While I have enjoyed my stay here, Itorunt does not need me. There is peace, and all are content.

However, disturbing rumours have reached me of a new Invasion beginning. While I abhor war, I cannot stand by as undead and monsters ravage entire realms. I must do what I can to help the people of those about to face the onslaught of darkness.

It has been a pleasure, and perhaps I will return here one day.

My cousin Suzune has written me of this new and disturbing threat. I pray for her safety and the safety of all on the continent. Hopefully, this so called "Third Invasion" will be quickly dispatched, and we hope that Arlian will safely return to the glorious realm of Itorunt.


A Marshal Lost, a Marshal Appointed

Well, with the recent departure of High Marshal Wilfred, we have been looking for a replacement. Now, that replacement has been found, revealed to be none other than Count Alois. After being appointed, Alois made a speech to the realm, copied here:

Nobles of Itorunt,

I came to this realm not very long ago. I had fought against this realm, I had been labeled a spy and traitor and rebel. Yet, you welcomed me, and gave me a chance to prove that I was none of those things, and it has been my honour to faithfully serve this realm, and King Lucian ever since. Now I am honoured to take a position of leadership among you, and lead you all into battle, and out once more.

I have some big boots to fill. Wilfred was a great General, a good man, and a wonderful friend. He lead us during the Crusade to retake Kalmar, and he did a right fine job. Under him, we accomplished in two campaigns what it had taken our northern allies half a year to do; Route the rebellious scum.

Through force of arms, wonderful leadership, and our own honour, we have proven that this realm is a realm without equal.

I only hope I can fill his boots, and live up to the expectation of you all, and honourably fulfil the role of High Marshal as capablely as my predeccesors.

High Marshal of Itorunt, Count of Nimraw

I am certain he will lead us well in battle whenever we fight. We at the Itorunt Informer wish High Marshal Alois the best of luck in his future as High Marshal.


Comments for this month

Ichigo's comments

Congrats to Alois.
Good luck, Arlian.

Thray's comments

None Yet

Arlian's comments

None Yet

Valdid's comments

None Yet