Spread the Word

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 11:13, 31 May 2007 by Gsklee (talk | contribs)
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As great as it is, BattleMaster is still a game of relatively small community and remains mostly unknown by the world at large. Spread the Word is a campaign aiming at gathering more publicity to the game it should deserve.

Click here to jump directly to the section of the main campaign activities


For once, BattleMaster has had an entry inside Wikipedia. Then some Wikipedian policemen came in trying to delete it. They failed the first time, but won the second shot. The reason given was "lack of notability" as per regulated by WP:WEB, an official policy and guideline of Wikipedia. An emergent copy of the article prior to its total removal was kept here.

As one might question, why Wikipedia allows so many of the sub-standard games and their respective articles to continue to exist in here and there and everywhere but chose to wipe BattleMaster out, it has to be noted that Wikipedia is regulated by its user base alone. A consensus was reached by users that participated in the discussion of the second AfD of the BattleMaster entry, that the article has to be removed and may not be revived until the "notability" issue is addressed. That means the consensus about this case will be strictly enforced, regardless of how bad other articles of similar nature may look or shall be treated. Actions that attempt to disregard this consensus, whether like it or not, could result in a page protection and increase the difficulties to recreate the page in the future, as it has sadly occured.

Wikipedia was the most prominent source on the internet which people would come through to know BattleMaster. Though perhaps out of selective perception, the player base of BattleMaster has come to a stagnant level slightly below 1800 players since, contrary to the slow but steady increase prior to the deletion.

Dwilight and Spread the Word

With the introduction and implementation of the allegiance system and its related features, the player base of the game, which now needs serious public promotions due to the deletion of the Wikipedian article, will likely to not be able to support enough characters to properly set up the fundamental structures of the ill-fated super-continent of Dwilight. This gave birth to the promotional campaign known as Spread the Word.


Digg is a highly popular and influential news site that employs an extensively community-based functionality. Users contribute news entries and related links, with a user-based ranking system that decides which stories are worthy enough to be promoted onto the front pages of the site.

Due to its nature and popularity, Digg is our current recommending choice that should deserve the main focus of the Spread the Word campaign.

※If you would like to participate in the campaign and help to promote the publicity of BattleMaster※

  • Visit: BattleMaster: Free Web RPG with 7 Years of Player Base in Digg.
  • Login, or register to receive an account.
  • Click on the blue "digg it" (ie. vote it) link under the "## diggs" (ie. ## votes) counter inside the above article.
  • Leave some comment and that's all it requires!

The more "diggs" and comments this article receive, the longer the time and the better the position it will be placed on the front pages of the site, which equally means the more the people that will notice this story.

If you own a blog, you can also use the "Blog It" feature Digg provides to put the story directly inside your blog.

See Also