The Order/Book of Ancients 1

From BattleMaster Wiki

The first book of The Ancients

There was a beginning, and in the beginning there was nothing and the nothing was good, for it was in order. Then from the nothing came light, for it was more complex than nothing, but still in order, and so it was good. From complex order all things rejoiced, so more light was created and gathered into the sun. The sun was more complex than light, but still in order, so it was good. Many suns and celestial bodies were created, they were more complex than the sun, but still in order, and so they were good as well.

Soon, the nothing was filled with suns and celestial bodies and everything rejoiced at the complex order of all that was created. But there was no more room for the suns and celestial bodies, and everything had grown tired of rejoicing over them. Then something more complex, but still in order, was created.

The world was created and it was more complex than the suns and celestial bodies, but still in order, so it was good. All things rejoiced at the creation of the world for it was good, so a smaller world was created, and it was called the moon. It was less complex than the world, but still in order, so it was also good.

Yet on the world there was nothing, but it was still in order, so it was good. The nothing was in order, but something more complex was needed. So created to exist on the world were mountains and oceans and hills. These were more complex than the world, but still in order, so they were still good. All things rejoiced at the creation of all these, but more was needed. So created to inhabit the mountains and oceans and hills were the birds of the air fish of the sea and animals of the land. These living things were created to exist forever in an unending cycle, and they did as they were intended. The living things were more complex than those before them, but still in order, so they were still good.

All things rejoiced at the creation of the living things but something more complex, but still in order, was needed. So the people were created. They were created to create more, and they did as they were intended. The people were more complex than the other living things, but they were still in order, so they were good. All things rejoiced at the creation of the living things, but something more complex, but still in order, was needed. So the Great Dragon was created.

The Great Dragon was intended to watch the people and the living things and to create more things, that were still in order, as it saw necesarry; The Great Dragon did not do as it was intended, and thus it brought about destruction. All things wept at the creation of The Great Dragon for it was complex, but not in order. The Great Dragon brought Chaos into all things to end order, he brought evil to end good, and he brought destruction to end creation.