The Word/Language

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The sacred language of The Word was spoken only by members of a small tribe in Axzaloc, but is now the working language of most followers of The Word (the peasants at least).


Verbs and Adverbs

Tense Prefix Example Translation
Future M- Sam m-sakantsaiyni orange-yc Sam will eat oranges
Past Y- Sam y-sakantsaiyni orange-yc Sam ate oranges
Progressive Uh- Sam uh-sakantsayini orange-yc Sam is eating oranges
Complete Kuh- Sam kuh-sakantsaiyni orange-yc Sam finished eating oranges

An -i changes something into a verb. EX: Binks’skñsaiyn-->Binks’skñsaiyn-i-->Binks’skñsaiyn-i-ansto-i
Foot-->To walk (to foot)-->To run (to sand foot)

Adverbs come after the verb. Aito binks’skñsaiyn-i-ansto-->I walk quickly (I foot like sand) Aito binks’skñsaiyn-i-bah-kar-->I walk silently (I foot not chaotically)

The Kargnch and Kargnchha’s actions are expressed in all tenses, due to their omnipotence.
Kargnchha y-muh-kuh-sakantsaiyn-i orange-yc.
The Kargnchha has, will, is, and has finished eating oranges


To turn a noun into an adjective take off the last consonant(s) to the vowel, if there is at least 3 in all, otherwise leave as is.

Some words have no translation, thus use the normal form.


S’skñbasnanhaha--> S’skñbasnanhah
Gold (Elite holy wood)-->Golden


English, Informal, Formal, Possesive
I, Aito, Guletesansulbinks, Aish
You, Sunuk, N/A, Sunsh
He, Gezusakant, Gezuguletesansulbinks, Gezush
She, Skañsakant, Skañguletesansulbinks, Skash
We, Aito-aito, Guletesansulbinks-guletesansulbinks, aish-aish
They (Direct), Sunku-sunuk, N/A, sunsh-sunsh
They (Males), Gezusakant-gezusakant, Gezuguletesansulbinks- Gezuguletesansulbinks, N/A
They (Females), Skañsakant-skañsakant, Skañguletesansulbinks- Skañguletesansulbinks, N/A
They (Indirect), Saiynsakant, N/A, Saish


In the Language, the Subject and Object have different markings. A direct or indirect marking is for verbs. It is completely variable, allowing many combinations for simple sentences. They are placed in order of importance in the sentence. The most common arrangement is VSO (Ate Sam oranges.)

  • Subject-->Ths
  • Object-->Feh
  • Direct (these)-->Sh
  • Indirect-->He
  • Question-->Let

The verb has no position marking because of its characteristic –i. Therefore, "Sam ate oranges" can be translated 48 ways.


As the Language spread, it came into contact with other languages. Due to the long winded nature of the sentences, a slang has formed. They take abreviations of pronouns, and stick them on the front of the verb. All object and subject markings are dropped.

ths-Gezusakant feh-orange-yc he-sakantsaiyn-i-->gesakantsaiyniorangeyc

feh-Skañsakant ths-gezusakant y-matmsakantsaiyn-i let?--> gezymatmsakantsaiyniskañlet