Filador Family/Vidad

From BattleMaster Wiki


Vidad Filador
Age 34 Years old
Start of Career Noritor, Itorunt, East Island
Realm(s) Itorunt, Lasanar
Class Infiltrator
Title(s) Baron

Three years older than the twins, Vidad took up his command in Itorunt. He is not afraid of war, and serves his realm with pride. However, his accomplishments in conjunction with this pride often overshadow his younger brothers, and cause tension in the family.

Vidad has recently stepped down from active leadership to become an Infiltrator.

As an infiltrator, he found a career in Itorunt to be particularly difficult under the circumstances, and moved to the Far East Island, joining Lasanar. He has since been banned from Arcaea.

After a while, Vidad found some of Lasanar's military ideals somewhat objectionable, and he became his brother Nicholas' legacy as a priest of Adgharinism. He is one of two openly Adgharin nobles in Lasanar and the only priest. There have been some conflicts in Lasanar about religion, an arguement between Adgharinism, Communionism, The Chaos Requiem and The Church of Sartan. The Chaos Requiem was outlawed, and Adgharinism seen badly due to a political blunder of Cerber, Pontifex of Arcachon.
Though in time, the religious issues of Lasanar calmed down, and Vidad was able to convert many peasants to Adgharinhism, particularly in the regions of Anaos, Ozrat, Attel and Abliotel, and his preaching abilities reached beyond what even experts at the acadamey could teach him. However, on 01/09/07, Vidad was granted the post of Baron of Abliotel, a first in his career, and stepped back into the role of a militaristic noble a few days after.

On 22/02/07, Vidad acquired Ucdauh's Hat of Blood, which gives a +1 prestige bonus. The item was sold to Vidad by the Outlaw Sir Louis

