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This is a page used to store the articles in progress of Reilwin Merytis and Rathkanouros Kalantis of the Falasan Inquirer.

Go ahead and observe, but your character has NO ROLEPLAY REASON WHATSOEVER to use this, unless he or she happens to be in the same region as Reilwin and sneaks into his tent to look through his papers. Even so, the information may still be inaccurate--these articles are left here, after all, because they still have to be edited. They will probably change A LOT before being placed in the paper. The main purpose of this page is to keep the articles I'm working on here until they're in a form ready to be published.

Works in Progress


Works Published

(since first use of this sandbox)

Coward abandons Falasan
February 21th, 2007

Falasanian nobility was much improved after the fool, Torin Capashin, left its ranks. After expansively proclaiming his boundless love for his people, he went on to outline his grandiose plan to save them from the ravages of the coming war and destruction from spite of the fact that Tucha is the southernmost city and the furthest from Eston.

Torin's secession was the most foolish action he could have done to keep his people safe. Not only has he weakened Falasan, and hence Falasan's ability to resist the Estonite hordes, he has provided several tantalizing regions which other realms unfriendly to Falasan may find too tempting to resist. As such, his own actions will bring the war and desolation he has so worked so desperately to prevent.

Furthermore, he does not appear to have given any thought to accumulating allies in his plan for Tucha's independence. Although his actions were well-intentioned, his actual plan is ineptedly clumsy. Any Falasani noble would have disapproved of his secession on general principles, but the very manner in which he bungled it!

And bungled it he did. Rumours swept the land of his intentions well before his actions, although the Falasani army was unable to act with the Estonite forces threatening the border. Gaffe after gaffe continued, as his tyrannic rule was overthrown by his own co-plotters.

In any case, Torin can be thought of as naught else but a fool and a coward. How else can one consider the actions of one who surrenders before the enemy has appeared and despite the relative safety of his lands?

--Reilwin Merytis

Traitor Exposed!
February 21th, 2007

A cowardly double-crosser finally exposed his true colours as Estonite and Darkan forces approached Falasan's borders. Perfectly timed to coincide with the invasion of Falasan, Torin has finally shown his true allegiance to Eston.

His actions are no surprise, as he has obviously been corrupted by his association with Estonites and cannot help but share in their deceitful nature and guileful ways. In spite of their general's promises not to attack Falasan if the same behaviour was observed by Falasan, Eston once more displayed its complete lack of honour as it invaded Belegmon without warning for the second time. Obviously aware of their inferiority in the face of Falasan's might, Eston has hired Darka to supplement their paltry forces.

At least one can savor the fact that Torin will not have long to enjoy his newfound independence. Tara's grasping, avaricous hands will undoubtedly reach out to seize his lands; they can always claim that Capashinia's independence voids any restraint that may have compelled them from annexing those regions.

--Rathkanouros Kalantis
Concession to Taran Demands
February 16th, 2007

Today, King Tank announced a new treaty, accepting most Taran demands. This, in spite of the weakness imposed on Tara and the Cagilan Empire by the monster invasion. This, in spite of the continued provocation by Taran infiltrators. This, in spite of the great temptation posed by Tara's great vulnerability...and the possibility that they may become another Norland.

(For the full text of the message see page 13.)

Although sages and spies from every realm have noted the immense reduction in the strength of the Cagilan Empire, Tara's main supporter in its demands, Falasan withheld itself from retaliating at Tara's postponed takeovers. An unspoken cease-fire was held, pending the hoped-for (and largely achieved) destruction of the beasts and zombies roaming Atamara.

Disdaining the courtesy shown by Falasan's nobles in their restraint, Taran infiltrators continued to provoke Falasan for the past few weeks, as they continued to assault troop leaders in spite of the unspoken cease-fire. One has to wonder at their mental acuity, as the targets they chose were far from the front, and those assassins were quickly captured before they could return to Taran lands.

In this opinion of this reporter, there is little doubt that another Minas Ithil will be enacted.

--Rathkanouros Kalantis
Falasan Proposes Peace
February 16th, 2007

A treaty proposal for a lasting peace between Falasan and Tara was drafted and sent today by King Tank. This event hopefully signals the approach of a new age of peace and tranquility between these two former enemies. The transfer of these regions will result in a significant food deficit in Falasan, and Tara has agreed to allow trade to flow unimpeded to make up for this lack.

--Reilwin Merytis

Unpublished and Outdated

Demonic invasion continues unabated
February 4th, 2007

If indeed accusations are to be pointed at specific realms as to the source of these creatures, then indeed, let us do so. That beasts are present, there is no doubt, and that they are ravaging the countryside of only certain realms, again there is no doubt. The question still remains...why are they doing this? It has long been known that monsters and the living dead are attracted to regions infested with evil and strife. I can only conclude that this must be the state of those realms so afflicted. Therefore, the scourge that wracks them must have been brought upon them by themselves--through their own greed, envy, faithlessness and lack of honour. How else can this explain how the righteous have come through unscathed? The groups which have been frantically leaping about to slay monsters are simply striking at the symptoms, and not at the sickness within. So long as those lands are filled with corruption, there will be no rest for the weary. I am glad that the people of Chagasu recognized the vile nature of their oppressors and overthrew them before the monsters came to visit them.

--Rathkanouros Kalantis
Feb 6 2006

Template References

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Place date here

Article here

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Place date here

Article here
