Forrester Family

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The Forrester family hails from the nation of Tara on the continent of Atamara.


The Forrester's have been in Tara for generations. At one time they were a very wealthy and prominent family, involved in many aspects of the government. Their current lack of prestige and wealth is due mostly to Jonathon Forrester, estranged brother to the family's current patriarch, Thomas. Jonathon was involved in a bar fight, which ended in the death of a very important government official. The ordeal ended with Jonathon being executed for murder, and the family losing most of their

Notable members:

Camaron - Knight of Plergoth

Anthony - Knight of Tara

Bobby - Knight of Tara

Caroline - Adventurer of Plergoth

Family Fame

1 Point - Individual Prestige over 10 (Camaron)