Talk:Abington First/Newsletter/Issue8

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Darka Unwilling to Take Responsibility

Does the foolish, rediculous, arrogant, dumb, unknowing fool that wrote this dare to show himself? I don't think I've ever read any more crap, by Sigrid's flames! - Easy

I am Gauihu, current editor of the Abington First newsletter. If you or one of your comrades wishes to try to come stab me in the middle of the night (as is your wont), you are free to try. If on the other hand, you have something reasonable to say which is relevant, feel free to do do in your "Volcanic Hot" deceptionletter.House Olik 22:12, 27 January 2007 (CET)
Nah I'll just do it here. Firstly, it is not Darka that has to take responsibility, but RedSpan in the first place. On his own or not, he is a RedSpanian and attacked Darka during peace. "Oh yes but that's called mercenary, and doesn't Darka know everything about being mercenary, he was paid to do so." Yes Darka does, but when Darka attacks a realm under contract, then we don't expect that realm to watch and see us attack, but to fight back. It's just the same now: AJ attacked Mr_Jones, and contract or not, Darka fights back.
Secondly, what is that crap about Darka being illegitimate? Hell where do you get that from?
Thirdly, sure RedSpan fined AJ for that, sure, nice boy, but the bounty AJ was collected was 600 and the fine was 500, so AJ still cashed 100, and the other 500 just went to RedSpan. 600 gold pure profit for RedSpan, do you think we are stupid enough to accept that of that bounty 500 is held by the goat ranch instead of by one goat? So Tony refused to pay the 600 gold to Darka, and so Darka takes measures. Point. For every peasant that is killed on Goat soil, Tony is responsible. Tony still has the faith of the goat peasants in his hands: he can pay the bounty to Darka and save the peasants, or be stubborn and greedy and see the peasants die. Tony and his council is the only one that has to take his responsibility, Gauhiu! - Easy
No, that doesn't hold water. Darka has to take responsibility for what Darka does. Darka's troops, under the orders of Darka's leadership, are raping and murdering. This is quite different from AJ, on his own, stabbing one of you whiny bastards in the night - not simply on a level of scale, but on a level of National Responsibility. An Abington noble once attacked a Cagilan noble - our realms were at peace, and are still at peace. What happened? Well, I punished that noble and the Cagilan Empire realized something everyone knows but which you are willfully ignoring in order to self-justify an unjust war - the actions of a criminal are not the actions of the State.
As for Darka being illegitimate, why, that is simply a statement of fact. You're a "mercenary company." You take your "orders" from "employers." That doesn't sound like a Sovereign Realm to me.
Lastly, you are once again trying to shake off the responsibility of your own actions. Trying to blame the victim. You do this with every time you barbarians go and pillage. It's always, and how conveniently, someone else's fault! I see this reasoning - as Arch Priest of a Realm - from criminals, all the time. Nearly every single criminal tries to blame his victim(s). Well, that may work for your own guilty consciences, but it doesn't work with regards to Justice, Reason and Rationality. Try again. House Olik

"your Volcanic Hot deceptionletter"

I find it somewhat ironic that you would even hurl that (Volcanic Hot deceptionletter). While Darka's newspaper may be biased (as to be expected from any publication originating from any place), isn't it for a journalist or a reporter to report the truth? Of course, it is up to the readers to decide on what is falsity and what is fact. And as a reader of the Abington First Newsletter, I see it as an editorial or a commentary publication. The facts here are bent and wrought to fit your agendum. Surely, the slanderous slew that spews from this spectacular sh- never mind. What I mean is, Gauhiu Olik, I believe anyone with two eyes and some mass solid between said eyes, would see this for what it is. (OOC: I LOLd.) Jezralhm 04:39, 28 January 2007 (CET)