I Can't Believe It's Not Butter

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Revision as of 04:29, 23 January 2007 by Omar the Scribe (talk | contribs)
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I Can't Believe It's Not Butter was the city of Tarasac seceded from Cagilan Empire by One Rogala. It took the regions of Chagsu and Averende with it. One claimed to be working with the Caligans in order to attack Falasan, but this was mostly a ruse to confuse the other rulers. In reality he undertook his action to punish Caligans for disowning his title of nobility. One has to wonder what the ruler was thinking saying the richest family in the world is in fact nothing but peasants, but they paid the price. Almost the entire continent declared war on this farce of a realm, and the regions were quickly taken back under control of their former realms. One Rogala was attacked by infiltrators time and time again, until he finally evaded capture and fled to the Far East. The Butter Rebellion, as it has now become known as, was over and life began to return to normal.