Grand Lodge of Lunaria/The Second War

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The Accounts of Jose Pablo, Fiduciary of the Grand Lodge

Here are written my accounts of the Second War, the great number of battles that have been fought and are to come from the evil citadel of Osaliel. My accounts start on the 104th day of the reign of Pontifex Ziode Calanar, fourteen days after the ascension of Maximus to the throne of Prime Minister in Soliferum, fourteen days after the inititation of hostilities brought on by Conan's madness. Here are written these accounts, as best a humble Banker and Knight can tell them, from the perspective of the wronged seeking justice.

I must first tell you of the poor conditions in which we are thrown into. A few days after the failed assault by Nighthelm on Alanurs, massive undead and rogue armies began appearing throughout the continent of the Far East. While Lunaria was left relatively unscathed, these armies dealt a decisive blow to our main allies, the Kingdom of Nighthelm. At the very time I write this Nighthelm rallies in Idaol - and it is a fraction of their former glory during these dark times.

At the time of this writing, on the one hundred and fourth day of the reign of Pontifex Calanar, I am holed up in a small tent on the plains of Azohib, and I try not to see the fires that burn from Totdpiz, try not to hear the screams that echo across the plains as Soliferum has their way with our people. I hide the tears that line my eyes as refugee's pour from Totdpiz into Azohib, fleeing the onslaught of Conan and Maximus' evil. Day in and day out my life is a living nightmare. My unit is underpaid, our regions are poorly maintained from the stress of necessary taxation and the taxings of war. To this Ziode has put me in charge of a small group of faithfuls from which to repair our city and Dsinanas. Unfortunately, Totdpiz is a lost cause at the moment - Soliferum has dug in hard.

Daily reports and pidgeons leave my tent: unrest in the foothills, riots in the Docks, another mill shut down from poor upkeep, it is a nightmare. I can only imagine what Excalibur, our general, and Ziode are going through. Anya, too, I worry for. I wish now I had not set her the task of Marshal of the Guardians, yet humbly she has taken the post, and I fear if I relinquished her control she would take it as insult. Though I must admit I respect her as she has done marvelously - especially under the strain of a husband constantly putting himself at risk, and a babe to boot.

Our takeover of Azohib is going slowly but surely - just yesterday I took what mint I had left and distributed it among the children of a small farm village. We must all do all that we can to ensure a peaceful transition of power - I will not allow the Council to sanction the brutality that our Eastern Neighbors are so akin to doing.

We hear no word of Nighthelm, though my son Austin sends word when he can - oh, how I worry he will not see the day through. Why must our blood always be present in war? What fault is it of our children to suffer these tragedies, this devastation?

I pray to Sol this war ends soon, and in our favor - and I pray to Luna to protect us when others can't. Word reaches me that Goldenowl, by peer, has recently been struck down by an infiltrator - his militia continue to vanish. I cannot help but wonder why they went after him. He was a humble Banker. Yet, if that is the reason - how long until they find my tent?

This war cannot go on forever, we cannot afford it - how long until our will breaks? How much longer will it take to see the walls of Osaliel burn? Until Alanurs flies the flag of Nighthelm, until Azohib and Totdpiz both are reunited as Anwnn intended? Only Luna knows.