Karrouc Family

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The Karrouc Family

The Karrouc Family consists of the following characters:


A young commander on the South-East Island. He serves the Realm of Taselak with a fervor, and is eager to jump into action. Currently, he in Count Kanunis service as a Knight of Endelee.


A young commander in the Far East. She currently serves the Realm of Greater Aenilia, having run away from her home. She hopes to visit her brother someday, and still worries about him and Argo. She is under the direct service of Lord Tharion, the Count of Ornaz.


The former servant of Jet Karrouc he is now in the Far East, serving the realm of Ethiala and searching for Celine. His liege is the Countess Riamh Aice of Pesol.


A bounty hunter hired by Celine and Jets father to track down Celine. He is currently in Beluaturra, searching for her while he earns his pay as a monster hunter.

Family Fame

1 for character prestige 10

1 for character prestige 20

1 for family prestige 20

Total fame : 3