Flow of the Balance/Archives of December 2006/The Revelation

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Monday, alongside a serene lakeshore in the Greatbridge. Pristine sunbeams dancing atop the rippling indigo mirror.

(The suddenness... yet so destined. We Balancetravellers, walked this earth so long, so quiet, that our steps were hardly followed...) Lilith, peering through the sky into the High Firmament.

(But now the callings vibrate. Yet in the middle wherein I am bound still to the mundaneness of the Unbalanced.) Lilith gave out a slight sigh unconsciously.

(...Seems like I am also among the ones that shall need to be guided as well.)

Quarters later.

Lilith, eventually able to settle the disturbance to remoteness, turned away from the glowing shore. All within an instant that felt like an eternity of experience...


A Flow of the Balance stroke through the inner of Lilith.

Shaked but not astounded, Lilith relocated her sight back towards the water mirror, only to be embraced by a Glaze. The formatiin has entered Empathy.

<The formatiin known as Lilith has entered Empathy and is temporarily non-human.>

* Sounds of wind chimes alongside mild windblows *

Out of nowhere yet every where, ripples of spreading waves have overwhelmed the indigo surface, all like within this instant, yet like have lasted for a whole eternity.

The rhythm grows, and the lake stormed within, in chaotic patterns, like invisible armies raging dauntless battles for the oddest fates, only to reach a harmonical rotation in a sudden. A whirlpool is formed, not only limited within the waterbody but extended into the airmass above as well, circulating the site, in a coherent and surprisingly placid manner.

* The flowing sounds of a rushing creek flow *

(...The Tranquilence. So hasty, yet so gracious...)

Whirling is the earth above, as the earth itself trembling, jumping, until with a great eruption, glowing, feverish lava discharged right through the eye of the whirl, straight upward, across the whirling air, into the high sky, only to found itself unable to resist the angular momentum.

* The flowing sounds of a viscid lava flow *

(...The Turbulence. So elegant, yet so fierce...)

Within a few seconds, the flashing steam of the hot liquified stone essence from the mantle has mixed soon into the whirl, to form a complex tornado featuring vermillion sparking helices. The fire, the water, the air, the earth, all jointed into one.

* The flowing ocean currents *

(The Ocean... The Balance...)

The time seems like has never flowed, at least during this extent. When the red mist finally rests, something exotic to its neighbouring environment abruptly stands, yet as if it was there from the beginning of the time.

A structure, gigantic in size, carved - nay, formed - by the igneous stones of the solidified lava, unholy in appearance, yet holy to perception.

Burning it is in Lilith's eyes. She realized she was able to perceive through her human eyes again, and knew she has parted from the Empathy.

(...) Silence it is in Lilith's inner.


An eternity has passed, seemingly.

(...Is this the answer, to my question? Or is this the question, I need to seek answer?) Lilith, her first conscious thought after retaining her individuality. Slowly, she set feet into the lightless structure, where it is now the beginning of the ends, and will one day be known as the end of the beginnings.

(May the Flow show we the Path.)