Old Rancagua Press/1st December 2006

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Revision as of 05:38, 2 December 2006 by Bob (talk | contribs) (New edition, new stories)
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Old Rancagua Press
The True Story from the Lands of the North

The Old Rancaguan Press would like to thank the Editor of the Rampant Lion for his excellent work concerning the layouts of his papers (which we have stolen shamelessly :). This is work in progress, and is not concrete.

Disclaimer: Furthermore, The Press would like to remind its readers that this paper does not represent the official opinions of the Old Rancaguan Government.

Chief of Staff: Wenliang Dell

Reporter: N/A

Battle Reporter: N/A

Interviewer: N/A

News Stories and Words from the Editors
News around the Continent

December 2nd, 2006 -

Fontan joins the Crusade!

In recent news, Gregor, long time Chancellor of Fontan has delivered news that the armies of Fontan are now committed to the destruction of Avamar and the final defeat of the dominating Avamarian Oligarchy. Large numbers of Fontanese troops have been seen massing in preparation for movement to the isles, in syncronisation with Old Rancaguan and Sirionite armies. The Northern Alliance is clear in their actions, we will be the final scourge of the Avamarian menace, and will bring peace and freedom to the isles.

Now all we need is Perdan to join us in our righteous crusade and the final death of Avamar will be sealed....let us hope the ruler of Perdan receives this edition. They were co-founders of Kalmar and shared in the pain of the hateful actions of El Cid, and then the mortal insult of Avamarian sanctioning of his actions by accepting them. Join us Perdan!

Rebels at an all time low

The Underground is near empty, an astounding achievement given Old Rancagua's vast number of nobles. With the recent banning of the traitorous spy Chris who was caught in the Underground, and who also coincidentally has family in Avamar, there are now but 2 out of 100 valiant men and women who are against the current course of action by the leadership of Old Rancagua.

Truly our righteous crusade is a universally accepted action, and Old Rancagua will continue its national effort toward the destruction of Avamar and the final defeat of Lalakis the Tyrant and his Lala-kies.

Old Rancagua stronger than ever before

In recent days a new census of the entire Old Rancaguan Nobility has been taken revealing a milestone in our history. Old Rancagua has finally cracked the 100 Nobles mark, bringing them to the forefront as the third largest nation in the East Continent.

In the fires of war and righteous action, a new realm under the direction of His Majesty King Dekion I, and his High Council, has been forged from the ashes of the old order which was destroyed by Avamarian and Oligarchian evil. Our military is stronger than ever, our zeal for King and Country has never been stronger, and our drive to deliver the final blow to the Avamarian menace will only continue to grow.

For Old Rancagua!

December 1st, 2006 -

Bringing you the true story for another month more yet!

Well, December has come, but our righteous crusade will continue and we will be the ones to bring you the news concerning this last crusade to end the Avamarian threat. Let's go people!

December 1st, 2006 -

New ruler in Avamar Selective: The realm of Avamar Selective has elected Indira as its new Pontifex.

New ruler in Kalmar Islands: The realm of Kalmar Islands has reconfirmed Donna Ragna as its Chancellor.

New ruler in Ubent: The realm of Ubent has elected Zog Returns as its new Prime Minister.

New ruler in Fontan: The realm of Fontan has reconfirmed Gregor as its Chancellor.

New ruler in Sirion: The realm of Sirion has reconfirmed Handow as its Prime Minister.

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