Kalmar Islands/Democracy/Rulers

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The Chancellors of the Democracy

1. Chancellor Gnaeus of House Unti - The first democratic leader and founder of the democratic principles to govern KI. Having rebelled against El Cid Rogala to instate the democracy Gnaeus returned to office the following month, by support of the people. This period was marked by the formation of demcoratic priciples as well as many popular votes. In this time, permanent region lords were elected as all former lords were temporary replacements for those deposed of during the rebellion. Also, a doubling in militay power and an increase in population brought further growth to the islands. The original plan to form "New Avamar" in KI was rejected. The Great Dragon sent down a message that the name of the realm was not to be altered. Kalmar Islands it would remain. Gnaeus stepped down from office after a time stating that it was no place for a peasant born to lead the sons of kings when he had so much to learn.

2. Chancellor Lalakis Abadonas - Upon Gnaeus' resignation a new Chancellor was elected. Lalakis was the former Avamarian ruler and was quite experienced. This period was marked by debate within the realm and negotiations with deposed ruler Prometheus. Ultimately, after a popular vote by the nobles, Prometheus' plan of "3 months monarchy then vote on democracy" was rejected. Many of the nobles by this time were not around during the monarchy and had grown attached to democratic values. In this timerelations with foreign realms improved, except for Old Rancagua. There was a state of war with Old Rancagua, and though both the Kalmarians and some Old rancaguans including King Dekion favored peace, an invasion came by Old Rancaguan warmongers who wish to return the kingdom to the two-three nobles from pre-rebellion KI adn place King Prometheus has stated he doesn't support war and has actually joined KI again to fight agaisnt Old Rancaguan invaders. Chancellor Lalakis was captured in a battle in Stora.

3. Chancellor One Rogala - Not nearly as radical as his relative El Cid, One was temporarily leading the country while Chancellor Lalakis is imprisoned.

4. Chancellor Lalakis Abadonas - Ruling again after being released and after Lord One stepped down.

5. Chancellor Prometheus Titans - He has returned peacefully and in an effort to appease Old Rancagua was made ruler by popular vote.

6. Chancellor Lalakis Abandonas - Ending his political career in Kalmar Islands after deciding to concentrate fully on his family affairs, he left behind a precious gift to the People of Kalmar. The trade deal that was signed between Kalmar Islands and the Church of Ibladesh was the first successful action ever taken to improve further the relations between Kalmar Islands and another realm.

7. Chancellor Thanfedal Swiftmark - Being a Chancellor only for a very short period of time, he stepped down twice in less than a week. The political opposition inside the realm was unbearable for him to stay on the top of the Hierarchy of Kalmar Islands and after stepping down for the second time, he fled to the Kingdom of Perdan where he was offered political asylum.

8. Chancellor Lucifer Jr. Lowenbruck - Winning the elections with 57.5% from Lord Prometheus, he dedicated himself to the better internal organization of the realm. He founded the Institutions of Kalmar Islands that were met with great enthusiasm from the rest of Kalmarians, but due to him being unfamiliar with foreign affairs and due to his inexperience with the position of Chancellor, he proved to be inefficient to the diplomatic table. After intense internal and external political pressure and after a dispute with one of the Council members, not much before the expiration of his term, Chancellor Lucifer Jr. stepped down and refused re-election.

9. Chancellor Donna Ragna Wooten - She succeeded Chancellor Lucifer Jr. for a short time till the scheduled elections' day and brought satisfaction to many faces. With trust and hopes for a better future on her name, she did well to calm down foreign powers and maintain the Peace status in Kalmar Islands.