Talk:Luz de Bia Chronicles/November Edition

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Hey I have a great idea! How about you learn to write propaganda better? :D Vellos 00:18, 11 November 2006 (CET)

  - You're a sad little person Vellos...

OR You could stop writing propaganda altogether and report the news in the newspaper! (this goes for you too Vellos), what a novel idea! -Balewind

OOC: But that's boring... if you just want news, there's a link for game generated ticker news. --The1exile 01:09, 11 November 2006 (CET)

News is news, it's not meant to be exciting and action packed, it's meant to be informative. Have you ever actually read a newspaper in reality? -Balewind

OOC- Balewind, was your comment IC, or OOC? Plus, in case you aren't aware of this, newspapers are always propaganda, 100% of the time. Even in real life. If any opinion is expressed, if any prediction is made, if anything other than statistics and perfunctory data is communicated, then it is propaganda, albeit benign propaganda. It's fine if you call Hireshmont a sad little person (Hireshmont VELLOS, hence the name), but thats kind of funny if you're calling ME a sad little person. Also, you'll note that most papers DO report the news. They just offer their opinions about it as well. Lastly, it's FUN to have newspaper wars. If your comment was IC, then okay. if your comment was OOC, then may I recomend you relax, take a walk, and eat a nice refreshing chocolate chip cookie? Vellos 01:32, 11 November 2006 (CET)