Alowca (Realm)

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Alowca is a militant Theocracy, following the religion of the Trinity. Rather than taking on the role of a peace-seeking religious realm, our religion lends itself to the ways of the warrior, demanding that the truly devout seek out and destroy evil wherever it may be found.


The realm of Alowca, like all realms in the Colonies, got off to a slow start through peaceful expansion. We are located on the southeastern corner of the continent and currently have control of only three regions in total. This is no hinderance however as Alowca currently boasts the largest Military in the Colonies.

In the early days we sought peace with our immediate neighbors so that we might concentrate on the development of the Church, our lands, and eventually assist our neighbors in their war efforts. However, one of our neighbors (Oritolon) would not hear of it, and we are currently at war with them. It had been a stalemate, with very few successful attacks. Then Lukon, Oritolon, and Alebad all decided to attack Alowca. Alebad was our former friend and ally.

Many great Alowcan nobles fled the darkness that enveloped around us after our betrayal, but eventually Denariel aided us in driving the invaders from our lands. No longer do we have to cower behind our walls, Now it is our enemies that flee...