Sometimes a Troop Leader does something that isn't quite ban-worthy, but isn't good at the same time. Instead of the two extremes of either being banned or nothing happening, you could be fined. Fines work like this:
You do something to deserve being fined (If you didn't, message the Judge and complain)
The Judge comes up with a fine, (multiples of 25 i.e. 25, 50, 75, 100) and issues it:
Fine Issued! Example Judge has fined Example Trangressor 25 gold coins! Example Judge has given the following reasons: Cowardice in the face of the enemy!
You either pay the fine, get the fine rescinded or leave the realm.
Until you pay the fine or get it rescinded, many realm functions will becoem unavailible to you, so make sure you get your debt settled quickly!
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