Adgharhin Way/Book of Relics

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The Book

The Book of Relics is rumored to exist somewhere on the Dark Isle, and it details the Five Relics of the Gods, left behind on the mortal realm with the rise of mortal men. Since the book has not [yet?] been found, little is known about its contents or style, but in old Arcachonic folklore, the Five Relics are traditional symbols of the gods they represent.

The Five Relics

The Relics, as symbols, are generally not held to have actual, physical existence, except by a minority of fundamentalists who cling to old superstition.

  • The Goblet of Omorthion gives man the fulfillment of pleasure.
  • The Fife of Senith gives man the instrument to create beauty.
  • The Sword of Lyonnhar gives man the will to act.
  • The Helm of Lyonnith gives mans mind protection from barbarianism.
  • The Scepter of Adaghar gives man the authority to rule.

The Five Books

With the recent discovery of the Book of Lyonnhars Sword by Elerik Taim (then the Hand of the Blade) and the Book of Lyonniths Helm by Nicholas Filador, the tantalizing possibility is raised of the existence of the other books - three for the other Relics, and even the Book of Relics itself.