The Giblot Gestapo Gazette/Issue 17

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Yssdragill.gif The Giblot Gestapo Gazette
Issue 17 As fearsome as Lukon is pathetic!! 5 Gold
July Edition

General and Banker Ousted from Office!
By Revan

01.07.06 - In one of the most exciting elections seen in recent history, the Banker and General of Giblot have been replaced. Indeed the more astute among you will have remembered Chancellor Alexander's sideswipe against Frodo and Franklin of Orange mere days before the elections took place. It turns out that his message may have made a big difference too, considering the crushing defeat Franklin suffered at James hands for the post of Minister of Finance this morning. In the election for Minister of Defence the Chancellor could too have played and influential hand as Robert defeated old General Frodo Reborn by just one vote.

In recent weeks the Nobles of Giblot have begun to belly ache marginally more than usual over poor council leadership during the ongoing looting campaign by Lukon. In particular, Robert played on this fear in his campaign and promised to provide more leadership and direction for Giblot once elected. Although James did not go quite as far in promising to take a more active role he did make known his intention to fiddle with realm taxation for greater gains during this difficult time. Only time will tell if theyre the right men for their new jobs..