Cagilan Empire/Ancient History

From BattleMaster Wiki


This is the history like I, Herodotus, the ruler of Cagilan Empire, remember it. I apologize my writing style, I'm much more fighter than a historian and writer.

In the beginning...

In the beginning of Atamara there were three strong, wealthy and big realms: Falasan, Hasland and Cagilan Empire. Today only one of these can call itself a superrealm, Cagilan Empire. The other two have fallen because of failed diplomacy and lost wars.

When Atamara was discovered many leaders from the East Continent came to CE and many new leaders found the realm too. All leaders were inexperienced and nobody had the 10 prestige needed for rulership. But leader was needed and they voted a noble young troop leader named Herodotus as their ruler and since then he has ruled the realm, he led and fought bravely the two first wars succesfully but then retired from the general position to give opportunity to other leaders.

Peaceful relations were made with most of the neighbour realms, alliance with Callaway to provide safe western border and good relations to the neighbour Falasan. We even had alliance with Hasland, but I think it was just to bring balance between the three superrealms.

Soon the realm was in good control and we had trained a good amount of troops. The troop leaders and their men were getting restless, they wanted action and to test their skills in real battle.

Early war against Talerium

(2002-11-15 War against Talerium starts)

(2002-12-07 Peace proposal to Talerium)

A war against Talerium was declared. There wasn't real reason, we just wanted some action to our armies, or maybe it was an unconscious feeling about their ruler who now has been beheaded with his brothers.

They were a smaller realm with one good city at our borders. There was fierce battles on the area around Metemec. We took regions of Ixcan, Ixcan, Metemec, Chohua and Matlec, last two region have been traded back to them, we fought last battle in Xotaxa and stopped there. Our armies didnt want to proceed to deserts where Talerium men would have had advantage of fighting in their own enviroment. And we had got what we wanted, some experience and few regions. The war was quickly over and peace made, now our realm are allied and CE provides Talerium very safe border from any threaths coming from east.

Raid from Icegate

(2002-12-13 Icegate loots Tarasac)

(2002-12-15 City saved by the heroes)

During the end of Talerium war there was rumours of Icegate army moving towards south, to Cagilan. Icegate was distand northern realm of frightening vikings who didnt know fear and who had stolen, raped and burned cities down. And the rumours were true, Icegate army attacked Tarasac and started looting it while most of our army were still coming back from Talerium. The city didnt have much defense, only some militia which were recruited in couple days before the attack. The city was almost lost because of low morale caused by looting. But we had two very brave leaders who attacked Icegate troops there two days after their attack. These heroes were Talium and Kaonyth, they saved the city. Few days after our armies arrived to Eaglin and Tarasac but we never saw Icegate troops again.

Time of Peace

After the Icegate attack we enjoyed the better sides of the life. We rebuilt the realm, just relaxed and trained our battle skills.

The long, long war with Falasan

(2002-12-24 First sure information about war against Falasan)

(2003-01-03 Falasan tournament over, war begins)

(2003-03-08 Cease-fire)

But peace didn't last forever, fortunately. For a long time CE and Falasan had had a little competition who had stronger army, our realms were very equal and our armies were growing bigger and bigger. We had good relations but neither of us had other realm in neighbour who we could really test our warring skills, but we had eachother. Time for the first large scale war on Atamara had came. Fortunately we had experienced leaders like Silverknight, Koradji and Hangman whose knowledge was great help.

It was Falasan's ruler Oxygen who suggested the war and the war was awaited for sometime already. We agreed to have a very honourable war and the day for it's start was negotiated. We also agreed to not destroy the other realm and not to use tactics of looting which was very powerful at that time.

But it was us who declared the war at the agreed day. I think it was little surprise to Falasan to see that we attacked first, first battle happened in Nazgorn and we took it over. But because there was two days travel time from Tarasac to Nazgorn we couldn't keep the region, their capital is only one day away. So we retreated back to Tarasac.

Now both realms had massive armies in two cities at the border, either of us wanted to do the next move. For weeks we sit in our cities and waited other one to move.

The war was little complicated, our capital was far away from the Falasan borders and it took days from reinforcements to travel to the battles. Also the mountains made it more difficult, it was easier to just go around them and that's why almost all battles happened in Lakota-Cantril-Nazamroth? area. Falasan capital was near the border so their new troops didnt have to travel for days, but they also had to defend the city heavily, like we had to defend Tarasac and Eaglin.

Soon the battles moved to the Lakota-Cantril-Nazamroth? area, both realms made couple more or less succesful attacks to little deeper the enemy realm. We lost Lakota and took it back like they lost Nazamroth and took it back. Our army was split that time because there was two ways the enemy could come. Another one led by me and another one led by Dakkon Blackblade.

Huge battles battles were fought, there's still tales how Falasan attacked Eaglin two times and how thousands of men died there. Our men and their men. It was total hell, houses burning and dead people everywhere. But we won those battles afterall and drove them back. And attacked on our turn. After days of travel our armies arrived to Anost but when we were crossin the river they ambushed us and many good men died that day.

Many smaller battles were fought, few battles in the mountains too. I remember our realm won more battles, but then Falasan attacked little more than we and attacker had slight disadvantage in this war because they had to go around the mountains and scouts reported days before they were near.

After years of war our realms were getting tired to the war and we were losing our position as the top two realms on Atamara. Surprisingly we didn't have too much hatred against each other and a cease-fire was arranged. The war was good time, I was young and fought in many huge battles and had over ten Falasan troop leaders in the prison at the same time.

War against Hasland and their sister realms

(2003-03-18 War against Hasland and their sister realms)

(2003-04-26 Peace with Norland)

(2003-05-15 War against Southasland now training)

(2003-06-06 Southasland ruler tries to Assassinate Eston's ruler)

The war against Falasan had took all our attention and only little of attention was paid to what had happened otherwhere. After the war we started rebuilding and had short time of peace.

The world had changed a lot. In the north our liked enemy from the past, Icegate, were in ruins. Because of Hasland. In the southeast Kanzum was destroyed, mostly because of Hasland. And they had started two new realms which they said to be their blood and to have same diplomacy as them.

Someone had to do something and prevent Hasland, Norland and Southasland from growing too powerful before it was too late. Falasan didn't want to do anything because their alliance and other nearby realms were too weak or were too far away and had their own wars. The someone was CE this time, we quickly redied our armies and declared war to Southasland which was nearest of the three realms. War was also declared to Hasland and Norland. We also had in mind to recreate Tuchanon but because of no real success agains Southasland and no contacts to old Tuchanon leaders it didn't work.

Since that our realm has fought against Southasland, a much weaker realm. But they have defended bravely and we have not done much but had battles with their armies. Many assaults we have done there but everytime we had to came back with less or more success.

But many good things have happened, Norland and Southasland are now independent realms and their rulers have changed few times. Also from the ruins of Icegate has grown equal realm, Barony of Makar. Hasland itself has suffered most there, it's sad actually but they started this all by themselves. We didn't destroy Hasland, we didn't make one attack against them but I think our war declarations were start of their destruction. We caused fear and confusion, they didn't know what to do next and didn't get their priorities right.

Later we made peace with Norland, their had voted new ruler, Ragno, who were not too loyal to Hasland.

War against Southasland and Hasland continues

War relations with Hasland stay from the close past. We have had no diplomatic connections to them after the war started, you could say the relation between us is not very warm.

War against Southasland continued. Our military system had changed totally different than in earlier wars. The ruler doesn't control the armies, they are controlled by the generals who get their orders from the Minister of Defense. The war with Southasland had changed to more training than a actual war with other goals.

There was almost peace between Southasland and Cagilan but their foolish ruler Blitz ruined everything his predecessor had done. I don't know was he lunatic or something but at the first days of his ruler career he tried to assassinate our close ally Eston's ruler. A very stupid action, specially because Eston and Southasland had pretty good relations.

But the fool was banished from Southasland and they made agreement with Eston. Angry feeligns in CE have cooled, we have now cease-fire with Southasland and probably peace in near future.

Tara, a tyranny realm created.

(2003-04-03 Tara creation - City to seceed from realm!)

During the war against Hasland we created a new realm of Tara. This might seem a bit weird because this was the reason we attacked Hasland and their sister realms. CE was and is still a very large realm, we couldnt grow our power bigger which is almost every realms goal after all. And many of our leaders were very experienced leaders who wanted their own armies to command, there wasn't enough general/commander positions for everyone in CE.

Because of this we took a big risk and split our realm in the city of Tarasac. Hasland did the same earlier and got in big troubles. Maybe we had better leaders, better luck, better strategy, better timing. But for sure Tara has very good ruler, Jamuga, who has led them to victories and made the new realm prosper.

Tarasac became soon independent realm like all rulers know, we gave them few regions to help them in start. Because of our shared past we are close allies, many of their leaders are from CE and their ruler too.

Final Words

That's all. If I have missed something or you think something is totally wrong or missing contact me. But like I said, this is the history how I have seen it.

-Herodotus, the ruler of Cagilan Empire

Even more Final words

I joined far after Herodotus left. This is the only history of my beloved realm that I have heard. I took this from the old tiki and edited it for style and inaccurant updates (our allies for example have changed from when it was written). This history is ancient and few remember Herodotus. However, he is remembered as our greatest ruler by those who do remember him. Us younger Cagilans look up to him as a God in awe and respect for how he formed the Cagilan Empire according to this history. May your soul rest in peace Herodotus.

-Sephirah Bishamon

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