Vir el Mari heights

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Revision as of 04:39, 4 June 2006 by Calvin November (talk | contribs) (about the Vir el Mari heights region)
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All Alebad Regions: AbakaAlebadBode BaturaVir el Mari heights

Vir el Mari heights

Realm Alebad
Region Vir el Mari heights
Type Woodland
Location River
Population 4099
Gold 208 gold
Food Production 139 bushels
Weather area Central
Troops Recruitable

Special Forces
60 / 70

Vir el Mari heights region.jpg

What begins as a small, clear, boulder-strewn stream high in the mountains near Windaria, quickly grows into the large silt-laden torrent known as, simply, The River. Winding its way past the wooded Vir el Mari heights, Abaka and by the mighty city of Alebad, it hungers for the sea.

Its cold, steady force has been used to quench fields and fire, turn millstones and winepresses, and to wash newborn infants clean before being handed over to their joyfully weeping mothers. The River has a long history and an even longer memory. If given voice, its waters could sing of being drink for black and grizzly bear, sheep, wolf, caribou, goat, moose and men. Its stones, of being bathed in the blood of valiant warriors and noble beasts. Some have even been plucked from the deep riverbed and fitted, along with thousands of their brothers, into Vir el Mari height’s fortification, Michisuru's Wall.

Perhaps no region on the island has been more significantly impacted by The River’s unyielding power than Vir el Mari heights. The mighty oak trees of this region and the tender crops dig their roots deep in fertile soil deposited when The River abandoned this watershed long ago. Through a complex system of irrigation canals, The River’s waters have fueled the growth of provisions, population and commerce; transforming Vir el Mari heights into one of the realm’s most reliable sources of raw materials and food.

Much of both is shipped downriver by barge to the realm capital Alebad, where the barges are disassembled and brought back on ox cart to “the Heights”, as its residents have affectionately dubbed it.

Intelligentsia has a home in the Heights as well. Lured by mild winters and cool summers, many of the realm’s brightest scholars and architects remained after the Michisuru's Wall Reconstruction Project was completed.

Stats as of 04:25, 4 June 2006 (CEST).