Avamar Times/Issue 3

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The Avamar Times


Editor: Sir Lalakis Reporter: Tzoutzoukos

Issue: No.3, March

Monthly Subscriptions: P.R Avamar: 1 Gold Piece, Rest of East Continent's Realms: 5 Gold Pieces

SPECIAL OFFER! : FREE Looting Excursions to Sirion!!! Collect three coupons and gain a completely FREE Looting Excursion to Sirion’s Lands! Contact our newspaper for further details!

***The 300 Days of a Great Leader***

City of Avamar, 6 March

Yesterday a social event of major importance took place at the capital of Avamar. All Avamarian nobles were gathered at Lady Julia’s mansion to celebrate the 300th day of Lord Intro’s, Prime Minister, Avamarian citizenship. During the dinner Lord Intro had made a very emotional speech:

”Fellow Avamarians, It is with great admiration and respect that I hold this speech.

We have since the revolution struggled for independance, freedom, justice, equality and prosperity of our realm. We have met resistance at every turn.

Several realms fail to uphold noble behaviour. Realms, such as Sirion, have instead chosen the ignoble path, showing greater resemblance to a savage than a noble realm. Several realms preach for equality, democracy, and peace. But only few realms do not merely use this as a form of propaganda.

The majority of realms, if not all, fails to comprehend our revolution. Several realms are under the suspicion that we are mere rebels or terrorrists, the term used by Sirion. They fail to realize that we are trying to escape feudalism, to a greater system in which all are equal.

They fail to realize that a position within the council is not merely a privilege, but first and foremost a responsibility to the people.

The majority of rulers use their people as an extension of their will, while I have chosen to do the other way round. I have not chosen to proclaim Avamar to be governed by moral law, nor do I see the need for moral justification once the people have decided what we should do.

Coimbra chose to aid Sirion in its attempts to destroy Avamar while at peace with us. Coimbra no longer exists.

Know that I will try my hardest to make Avamar a power to be reckoned with. Consider our current struggle a form procedure in which the other realms are evaluated. This evaluation will be the basis for our diplomatic relations when we manage to grow into a prosperous realm.

Prime Minister Doc, the individual that thought I would betray those who were a part of the Brotherhood of the Black Hand if I was made ruler and let Evylears and Sceptre return. He unfortunately did not understand that I consider the ruler position a responsibility, not a privilege. I have, due to our size, have been forced to swallow my pride, but I have never, nor do I plan on doing so, chosen to please another ruler over the People of Avamar, be it a ruler of a great realm or not.

I have been informed by Sirion troop leaders that the majority of the population of this continent dislike the way this realm was formed. Saying that only shows that they either are not aware of how this realm was formed or that they crave rebellions and war. Sirion chose to support the rebels, Evylears and Sceptre who initiated a rebellion although positions within the council were offered to them. The creation of this realm could have been a peaceful one. The majority of Avamarians disliked the council; they were gathered in secrecy and chose to elect a new ruler and judge. The former council could not accept this, and demanded a recount. The same individuals were elected. The rest is a story of greed and corruption, ignoble behaviour from both Prime Minister Doc and Evylears. We offered to uphold the alliance with Sirion in exchange for the recognition of our sovereignty. They refused and declared war.

As it was mentioned, this is my 300th day in this realm. And I must say, even in our current shape, our realm is far more greater than W.Sirion ever was. Should we manage to prevail in our attempt to grow into a realm whose opinions are not cast aside, we will have done so without loans and foul behaviour.

I would like to propose a toast, for the prosperity of Avamar!”

***The Death of a Realm***

One puppet is gone! Coimbra does not longer exist! As the political and military analysts had pointed out in our previous issue, Doc’s unreliable, unfair and paranoid policies, has turned Coimbra from a prosperous realm to just few pages in the history books of East Continent. The brave Coimbrans had failed to uncover the deception of Doc’s words and as a result their realm is now extinct… These are the results of the infamous (and up to now completely failed) Doc’s “Puppeteer Policy”, named as such by Avamarian sages.

***Avamar: The third Generation***

After the recent developments in Avamarian council, the “second” generation of Avamarian TLs, raised by the virtues and ideals of Avamarian life are ready to undertake positions within the government. Equity is a fact in Avamar, and the second generation has proved it! Kira, Peinalas, Naira, Philip, Lorien, Mathhaeus, Artur, Jake, Gousgounis and all the others constitute the backbone of Avamar! And soon, the third generation will be ready to stand up and fight for our common ideals! Freedom, Justice, Equity and the Seven Virtues of the Knightly Order will be protected and enhanced by Oswald, Dansimo, Donna Ragna, Tasadar, all those fine young Men and Women, until the arrival of their time to rise!

***Cultural Events ***

A new Art is born! A new art exhibition is held this month just outside the City of Avamar. The works of art, are composed of the highly detailed portraits of all Sirionites! And by saying “highly detailed” we really mean it! According to the scientists and artists, the portraits –images- were created on the walls of the City because of the “high velocity and the enormous impact of the Sirionites on the walls, while they were smashing their faces!

WARNING: The exhibition is suited only for adults as various body parts (eyeballs, teeth, blood, tiny pieces of flesh etc) are still present!

Bard’s Tales A series of jokes are spreading within the continent… Recently, Bards coming from afar, have brought the funniest jokes and stories of E.Continent to Avamar. We copy the most successful of them for our readers:

Q. Which phrase is synonymous to “committed suicide”? A. “Allied to Sirion”!

Q. Which is the shortest joke in East Continet? A. Sirion’s Republic!!!

Q. How many Sirionites are needed to for their Republican council? A. All of them of course (currently 58)! After all Sirion is a TRUE Republic! So here is how the council is structured:

Six Sirionites to listen carefully to Doc’s speeches and commands Six Sirionites to nod agreeing with Doc Six Sirionites to flatter Doc for his wisdom Six Sirionites to repeat to Doc “Don’t forget Avamar” Six Sirionites to watch the others and check if they have the “proper submissive behaviour” And the remaining 27 just to feel the empty chairs!

Ah! We forgot Doc! Well….not exactly, as Doc’s presence to the council is optional! Exactly the same procedures are taking place in front of his empty throne, even when he is absent!