Ash Sea Chronicle/Issue 11

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Price: Free Editor: Landesred Stromsfiordspace Issue: No. 11 - 7th May

Printed in Ash'rily for the glory of the Islands


While residing in the region of Tandsu this evening, the ever despicable Gabriel Bachelor, former King of Abington challenged King Doc's Revenge to a Duel to Surrender, claiming that this was Doc's chance. Although at first it was unknown whether the King would accept Gabriels request, he eventually announced that he would indeed meet Gabriel for a duel of Honour in the morning. We eagerly await the results and wish our King every success in the battle against Gabby...


A large Ash Sea Islands force invaded Carelia in retribution for Carelian efforts to break the stalemate between ASI and Abington earlier in the year and Carelia's role in the pillaging of Ash'rily. The ASI force initially pushed aside minimal Carelian resistance, engaging in a campaign of destroying fortifications in retaliation for Carelia's similar activities in ASI during the Islands Campaign. ASI forces however refrained from engaging in a retributive looting campaign, viewing such activity as dishonorable and unworty of nobles of quality, even in this case.

After a couple of small battles, and the reduction of fortifications, the ASI force moved on to the city of Nida where they pushed aside resistance and began a colonization takeover of the region. Carelian forces that had heretofore watched from afar gathered themselves and attacked the Ashlantean invasion force on the open field.

The Ashlantean forces took the field with high morale despite being exhausted from weeks away from home and lack of access to equipment repair facilities. Looking across the field, the two forces were fairly evenly matched, but the Carelian forces looked fresher.

The battle commenced and was a hard fought affair, with both forces taking a pounding. By the time the battle was over, nearly all the units of both sides had been driven from the field or scattered so that they were no longer effective fighting forces. Sensing the futility of further effusion of blood, ASI forces finally withdrew from the field and began the long trek back home.

The ASI force retained a remarkably high morale despite the loss, glad to have met the enemy in the open field, and believing that the battle had been honorably fought by both sides. Carelian forces also fought in an honorable manner and generally behaved as gentlemen in victory. Much different than their behavior during the island campaign, leading some to believe that the un-knightly behavior of that time was perhaps because of the undue influence of Abingtonian and/or Redspanian activities there.

Rumor also has it that Carelian civil authorities released ASI prisoners who were captured early. ASI troopleaders were also appreciative that a safe route home was provided through CE and Tara lands by those realms.

The troops have returned to Ser'quea at the time of this writing and are busy refitting and rehabilitating after their long journey.


Word has come down that ASI will continue its retributive campaign against Carelia. There was much debate about the situation and arguments on both sides. But in the end, ASI leaders believed that satisfaction for the atrocities of Ash'rily, and Carelia's role in it, had not yet been satisfied. The remembrance of the level of destruction of fortifications, looting, and loss of Ash'rily has proved difficult to overcome in the ASI mind.


Moses, Duke of Aja, attended the recent tourney in Abington and he reported his thoughts on the matter to nobles of the realm. Sir Moses reported that prize monies for the tournament were very low in relation to expected fees generated by it, something of a disappointment. But this may have been explained by his witnessing of the situation in parts of Abington where he spotted peasants having difficulty gathering food. He even noted that some peasants appeared to be roasting a dog as he passed one hovel. The Duke reported that the ale was watery and the serving women ugly at the establishments he visited. All-in-all the tourney appears to have been more for profit than for impressing visitors.


It is refreshing to report an honorable battle conducted in the open field by evenly matched forces. The only way it could have been better is if ASI forces had prevailed. But alas, campaigning far from home is always fraught with difficulties and the advantage is ever with the defenders. Nevertheless, it is perhaps a symptom of a return of normalcy on Atamara when soldiers behave as knights rather than animals. Despite the loss, this at least serves as a balm to the spirit.

King's Statement

We fought four battles on Carelian lands, and unfortunately, we did not leave any of them unscathed. The siege on Nida was the most taxing of our offensive campaigns, and somehow failing to set up our defenses within the walls was plain stupidity on our parts. The barrels of Mapan Ale arrived, and before we knew it, we were awakened by pounding headaches in beat with the drums of the Carelian Army marching towards us.

The Carelians did an excellent job, they had amassed a respectable army, and they kicked us out of their land. We didn't just let them take Nida back though, we put up a good fight, but alas, the equipment damages were simply too much, our men were falling like flies to the Carelian Army...even when we scored more hits in battle, more Ashlantean soldiers fell each turn. If only the Carelians had made some mistakes with their line settings, then we would have won, but the Carelians brought their "A-Game" to the battle, and proved that they had no intention of losing Nida on that day.

I am proud to say that our enemy appears to be a respectable foe, and that their kind words are new to my ears, for as mentioned, the last time we were in was all garbage and jibberish. Perhaps the Carelians have grown wiser during our long absense of contact, time will tell whether or not they have truely learned to be honorable, or if they are simply pretending.


DISCLAIMER: Ash Sea Chronicle is an independent journal. Opinions contained herein are not necessarily the opinion of the government of Ash Sea Islands and are strictly the responsibility of its editor.