Talk:Instantaneous Message Petition

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Revision as of 01:40, 3 May 2006 by Vellos (talk | contribs)
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did I just kill this?! NVM it got saved.

You aren't the first one... Doc did, I have once as well... not sure how we can stop it, as it seems like a technical restriction, but you can revert your changes if you kill it. --The1exile 2 May 2006 19:24 (CEST)

The error comes when you start writing and while you are writing someone also saves in between. Because the wiki saves YOUR change overwriting the page as it was when you clicked "edit page". When it wwants to write the changes he checks first out the current page with the one who was there before you clicked the "edit page" button.... How can it be avoided? Easily: first you write everything you want and then do NOT save the page. Just copy the text that you have written. Then open the page normally again. Push "edit page", paste the text you just copied and save it. This way it's highly improbable that in the 10 5 seconds you push the "edit page", paste and push "save page", someone else also saved in between. - Shoenaemaeh 2 May 2006 19:36 (CEST)

Still a technical issue that could be fixed... on wikipedia when you save and someone else has edited then it stops your edit, and tells you that someone has edited it. If you don't want to re-type your whole message then click back and find what you typed, copy, and then go forward again. Not sure why the BM wiki doesn't have this in place. --The1exile 2 May 2006 20:17 (CEST)

Might be because BM Wiki is using an older version then the regular Wiki... ~ Marc J. May 2, 2006 20:19 (CEST)

Hugos, I think I "blanked" your change! Try it again... ~ Marc J. May 2, 2006 20:23 (CEST)

Besides the obvious abuse IMs propose (I don't use them and I'm willing to suffer for my principals vs powergaming weiners abusing them) in this, I say let it happen! It makes for some great RP possibilities and forces us to dutchy marshals and field commanders as they should be, in the field! Combine it with the new 'oath of liege' thing being tested and you have yourself some interesting strategy. Say no to stagnation, yes to change! Balewind

Sorry Balewind Fam...some things are better left UNCHANGED. This is one example, another I place on par with it, would be I say yes to GOOD HEALTH. Not once have I ever wanted to change that lol. -Doc

You need not appologise for your own oppinion, Doc. Your own personal fear of change should in no way stop development from occuring. Change is innevitable and I feel this would be a good one. Darwin will determine who succeeds after such a change. Perhaps the possibility of devastating effect this will have on huge sweeping empires with small groups in charge is a reason you nay say this? Just imagine all the POSSIBILITIES this could present... dutchy marshals suddenly needed in battle for more than just their settings (and therefor being put in thos positions for their skill and reasoning rather than just their reliability), rumoured battle reports not making it to every member of an island faster than a bird can fly, strategies that involve thinking ahead and alternate plans rather than just snap reactions. Then combine this with the Oath of Fealty that is already being tested on Belutera (sp?) and suddenly who you swear to actually means something outside of just RP.-Balewind

Except that you're forgetting an important thing: BM wouldnt be FUN anymore, it'd be REALISTIC. I like it how my messages snap right across the continent, its enjoyable, and lets me play with people besides the ones I'm in a region with. I log once a day, thats EVERY OTHER TURN. With these delayed messages, I would never get to participate in realm discussions, because my characters are often distant from the rest of the realm, trading or whatever. That defeats the purpose of having the "message the whole realm" option. Vellos 3 May 2006 02:22 (CEST)

Message speed determines the fun of the game for you? Why don't you just chat on an IM then instead? For me the fun is the GAME. If the game changes than so does the fun. If messages take longer to get places then discussions will just take a little longer. If they are important discussions then that might warrant a whole new method of actually having to gather in one place for a council. A reason to gather in one place other than battle, how can that not be fun in itself? Perhaps this might make the trading career a little less enjoyable but no less important so realms will actually have to start paying their traders a little more for this unenviable job. I always see people complain and whine at the least prospect of change in games like this and that never makes any sense to me. Why complain about game development? It's how things get interesting. If there were no change we would all still be playing Pong (though I'm sure there would be those damning us as heretics for doing so). -Balewind

Message speed isnt what make sthe game fun. What makes the game fun is being able to have detailed discussions with people, have those arguements and politics and things that, if put in one word document, fill scores, if not hundreds, of pages. Also, yes, we're complaining about this possible change, but it isnt exactly the "least prospect", its a BIG change. Adding religions didnt massively change the entire game. Making realm-wide conversations impossible DOES change the entire game.Vellos 3 May 2006 03:40 (CEST)