Beluaterra/Exiled Trinity

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Revision as of 16:40, 9 October 2024 by Stinkyoldmen (talk | contribs)
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Date Context
2024-09-09 Grand Duke Khurst does not recognize the newly elected King Bergelmir and resumes the Agyrian Civil War.
2024-09-10 A portal to the Netherworld has opened in Ete City.
2024-09-15 All nobles on the continent receive a letter in an unknown language. Research show the letter to be written in the Language of the Ancients and to be sent by someone named Brigaa.
2024-09-18 Brigaa sends another letter.
2024-09-19 Brigaa sends the third letter in the Language of the Ancients. Meanwhile the Shattered Vales demands King Khurst to honor the agreement made with his predecessor and joins the Agyrian Civil War.
2024-09-21 All Rulers receive a letter from Orzgrath: In the span of mere days, you six humans, along with one more, have dared to inundate me with no fewer than nineteen insipid missives. I have come to understand that each of you claims to be a leader among your tribes, and that you have deluded yourselves into believing you are entitled to demand my favor and that of my kin. Two of you propose an alliance, one brazenly demanding scrolls in exchange for waging war on your own kind, while the other, despite its pathetic pleas for alliance, has invaded my holdings, by their very own admission.

If these two buffoons were not bad enough, one among you is the master of a human who believes it worthy of writing in high-script. This abomination will be summoned before me when my palace is built, and I advise you not to interfere should it refuse my summons.
Let it be known: I dismiss all of your scrawled, paper scrap proposals. All humans have three days to retreat north of the shimmer. Any human found south of the shimmer after the deadline will be subjugated, or executed, at the Trinity's will.

2024-09-24 Brigaa has learned the Common Tongue: Now, after studying the abandoned Iato libraries, we talk to you, we arrive peacefully, and there is a devastating war in our land. We chose to save the cultural flower and bring it here to form an Exiled Trinity in Ete City, and our goal was to rebuild the house with strength and rebuild what had been fought. In these countries, war is not our goal; it is my hope that we can move forward with understanding; we are talking peacefully.
2024-09-28 Bragga appears: An odd man walked up to the gates of Creasur but did not enter the city. The guards let him be because he looked harmless.

After a few minutes, the man spoke in an odd tongue and a vortex of energy filled the gates from side to side and top to bottom.
A daimon of old stepped through the vortex and walked out towards the odd man. A second daimon. A third. As each one approached the odd man, their shapes morphed for all to see, becoming smaller and more manlike. By the time they stopped by the man, they appeared as any other men would. Thirteen daimons stepped out of the vortex, and by the time they reached the man, thirteen men stood before the gates of Creasur.
The odd man turned to the guards and bowed before speaking.
"This self was sent to gather the power of this city for the task of returning home. Brigaa instructed this self to leave this city safely. This ego is calmed down and calmed down."
Then the odd man and the thirteen odd men around him turned and walked away as the vortex closed, leaving the gates of Creasur open to the sight of fourteen odd men returning to the wilderness beyond the city.

2024-10-02 Bragga shows up at Wudenkin: "This Brigaa's ego was sent to gather Wudenkin's power. This ego attains peace. This ego will leave in peace. It's Brigaa's wish that everyone go home."

Bragga then walked to the gates of Wudenkin and raised his hands. A portal appeared inside the gate and daimons began marching out. As each daimon approached him they became more mannish in shape themselves. One by one, they passed the man as men themselves and began marching south. 100 daimons in all walked out of the gate, and 100 men marched south from Wudenkin with Bragga.

2024-10-01 The Exiled Trinity has declared war on Nothoi: I gave you a single command, and not only have you failed to follow such a simple directive, you've intentionally brought more humans below the Shimmer. No more will the Trinity stand for such blatant trespass on our claims. Because of the rabble you've assembled, moved into our holdings, and attacked us with, we shall not only lay claim to the south, but assert dominion over several territories north of the Shimmer, establishing a formidable buffer to ensure your kind cannot trespass again.

We claim Jaekind, Xinjin, and Zuhle as our rightful territories, and woe to those who dare further challenge us.

2024-10-06 Battle in Midbote 10/6/2024
2024-10-09 Battle in Ete City 10/9/2024, Battle in Drinilla 10/9/2024