Church Of The Holy Sacred Grove/The New Temple/Nohl

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Nohl of the Sun / Lord of Light

The Lord of Light

Nohl, the Sun God, stands as one of the three Celestial Divines who hold direct influence over the world. He forged a sacred connection between his temple and his divine realm, creating the very source of the sun. The sun itself is not a mere celestial body, but rather a radiant beam of light shining from Nohl's domain, known as the Radiating Spires. True to his promise to the faithful, Nohl never leaves the summit of his temple, which lies to the east of Iniarbel. However, to protect the world from his overwhelming heat, the Divine Mother Aerosa caused the earth to rotate—ensuring that Nohl's light never scorches the land for too long, sparing his temple alone from this cycle.

The Radiating Spires<

The Radiating Spires, Nohl's celestial domain, radiate an unbearable heat that no mortal can withstand. Elves, humans, and all living creatures would be reduced to ashes within moments of approaching the Spires. Even in death, no mortal soul dares venture into the ever-blazing realm of the Sun God. The Spires exist just above the Emerald Halls, eternally casting their searing light down toward the world, illuminating the path of Nohl's faithful while remaining forever out of reach of mortal beings.