Church Of The Holy Sacred Grove/The New Temple

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The Creation

In the beginning, the world was a boundless ocean, where water stretched endlessly across the land, submerging everything in darkness. But one fateful day, a star fell from the heavens and plunged into the deep. This star was no ordinary celestial body—it was a seed, and from this seed, the tree of beginnings, Iniarbel (from Initium and Arbor), was born. As Iniarbel grew, its roots drank the vast ocean, slowly revealing the earth that had been hidden beneath the waters.

When Iniarbel matured, it stood tall with nine majestic branches reaching toward the skies and nine deep roots that tunneled into the underworld. Each branch stretched beyond the sacred veil, leading to celestial planes where the divine beings of the heavens resided, while each root connected to the chaotic planes where the terrestrial divines roamed.

It was Aerosa, the life-giving goddess, who first descended from her celestial plane to the newly revealed world. She approached Iniarbel, blessing it with vitality, and covered its limbs with vibrant leaves. When these leaves fell, they took on forms that mirrored the goddess herself—becoming the first children of Iniarbel, known in the ancient tongue as the elves. As the leaves continued to drift down, the land was filled with elves, who built their homes around the sacred tree and raised temples in honor of their divine mother, Aerosa.

Yet, the world beyond the shelter of Iniarbel was cold and unforgiving. The elves, though numerous, could not venture far from the warmth of the great tree. Seeing their plight, Aerosa took pity on her children. She ascended to the plane of light and sought out Nohl, the god who watched the world from his golden throne. Aerosa asked for his aid, and Nohl agreed, but with one condition: the elves must offer him worship in return. Grateful for his promise, the elves constructed a grand temple to Nohl in the east, beside the great tree. Pleased with their devotion, Nohl descended and took his place atop the temple, shining his radiant light across the world.

With Nohl’s presence, the land flourished, and warmth filled every corner of the earth. The elves praised him, their hearts filled with joy—until Nohl's light became unyielding. The world grew hotter, and the waters began to vanish under the relentless sun. The elves, once so full of praise, now wept as their land turned barren.

Their cries rose to the heavens, and once again, Aerosa descended to comfort her children. She realized that Nohl’s light had become too powerful, so she devised a solution: she would move the earth itself, turning it gently so that no land remained too long beneath Nohl's scorching gaze. As the ground shifted and turned away from Nohl, darkness returned to the land.

In this new darkness, another goddess came to the elves: Izula, the goddess of the night. She graced the sky with her quiet light, watching over the elves from afar. Unlike Nohl’s fierce brilliance, Izula's presence was soft and tranquil, a guardian of the night. Though Nohl's light overshadowed hers, once every month, Izula revealed her full glory, bathing the world in a silvery glow that brought peace to the elves in the darkest hours.

Thus, the cycle of light and dark began, a balance of gods and goddesses guiding the world, each with their own gift to the elves, their children of the great tree, Iniarbel.

(ooc: Some divines are left without any description for those who are interested in working on them. Also do add more if you think your divine will make things interesting.)

Nine Celestial Divines - Reside beyond the Sacred Veil

Aerosa – Mother of the four Goddesses of Seasons. Patron Goddess of Nature, and Caretaker of Forests. Motherly Love and Fertility.

NohlSun God, Light and Darkness, Bless and Damnation.

Izula– Moon Goddess, Reigns over Oceans, Phantasm, and Nightmare.

Revanok– God of the Sky, Patron of Word and Prophecy. Oath keeper. Inspires Mortals.

Astal – Patron of Heroes, Discipline, Duty, Honour, and War.

Tydalin – God of Directions, Father of Sages, Granter of Wisdom, Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge.

Vehestia – Goddess of Judgement, Justice, Cruelty, Revenge, Life and Death.

Ghev Loa – God and Mistress of Fury, Punishment, Order and Chaos.

Ebella– Mistress of Seduction, Pleasure,  Songs and Dances.

The Nine Terrestrial Divines-Reside in the Underworld

Jaqundir – Avatar of Sloth, Host of Banquets, Whisperer of Omens.

Retarte - Avatar of Desire, Goddess of the Earth, Physical Love. Mistress of Massacre.

Emolris - Mistress of Fire, Goddess of the Burning Abyss, Purity and Disaster.

Xeph'Eul - Avatar of Terror and Agony, Bringer of Doom, Tormentor of the Dead.

Zevoa Felis - Avatar of Domination and Conquest, Father of Men, Master of Iron.

Aram Nuu - 10th Celestial Divine, The Fallen One, Avatar of Ruin and Ash, Master of Blood, Ruler of the Ashen Dome.

Aienheint - Avatar of Balance, Lord of the Silver Fountain, Ruler of the Marble Castle.

Pemonhark - Avatar of Trickery, Lord of Endless Riddles, Ruler of the Shifting Maze.

Mir Atal - Avatar of Destruction and Power, Lord of the Deepest Depth, Ruler of the Crevasse of the Void


Goddess Jephia, governs beinning, wind, grace, and spring.

Goddess Aphe, governs battlefield, victory, glory, valor, and summer.

Goddess Vespera, governs destruction, despair, fear, and Autumn.

Goddess Rethia, governs destiny, end, sorrow, and winter.


Church Of The Holy Sacred Grove/The New Temple/Ranks

Banner of Sirion - Revanok and Iniarbel surrounding the heart of the Elven people (Crimson Orb in the center)

Sacred Sites

  • Slimbar - Ost Aina Eruontari (City of the Holy Mother). The Guardian City of Iniarbel, the Slumbering City of Aerosa the Divine Mother.
  • Sirion - Osmeneliath (City of the Sky). The City of Revanok, the City of the Sky.
  • Sir Temple - Anarionath (Place of the Sun). This Stronghold is dedicated to Nohl, the Sun God. It contains the legendary Temple of the Elves (Corda Edhelrim), once lost but now restored. The region also contains the source of the Sirion river, and for all these reasons its probably the most sacred site in all of Sirion.
  • Avamar - Seregos (Blood City). The City of Retarte, the City of Blood.
  • Akesh Temple - Minas Aira (The Holy Tower). Dedicated to Astal, Patron of Heroes, Discipline, Duty, Honour, and War.