Vorn Religion wip

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Revision as of 22:07, 3 August 2024 by Vorn (talk | contribs) (Note page for the new religion I’m working on in perdan)
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The Veiled Trinity (name work in progress)

Xx Anything inside of xx is just temporary. Xx

Branch of the lost religion of bellutera called The Heralds of Obeah. we focus more on the veiled Goddess’ love for humanity. Hey glorious guiding light the protects and cares for all. This light takes its form as magic. Our goal is not to separate but to bring humanity together towards a brighter future.

Xx Main times of worship are twilight and dawn. Twilight is the time of the goddess and she brings us the new dawn for all. Xx

The main rules of the religion are as follows

All are welcome but conflict is not.

     - fight if you must but not in the church 

Those who join and use Obeah or the church’s name against another will be removed.

Members will not favor other members over anyone else for promotions or likewise advancement.

We strive to bring together humanity and as such will preform charity in times of peace to the war torn regions and realms if needed.

All other non daimon worshipping religions are accepted as fellows to our church and will be treated with respect.

D’Espana’s suggestions ——-

What is this faith about? The church is a branch off of the Heralds of Obeah. It focuses more on the three aspects of Obeah and their meanings. The mother, Loves and guides her children, The protector, keep safe and offer security to all, and lastly The Deliverer, to bring peace and save all under her wondrous gaze.

What are its core tenets? Spread the word of Obeah, Offer neutrality on the war torn Eastern Continent, Humanitarian aid

What do they want to achieve? The revival and hopefully Decent of the Veiled Goddess. In her Decent she will bring peace to all and create paradise on earth.

What is the role of their prophet? As one of the last few Heralds Obeah has chosen her to revive her faith. Outside of the revival not much is different.

What is the average worshipper of this faith supposed to believe in key religion matters, such as life, death, the world, etc? The church believes that life is magic and magic is the domain of the goddess, death is just returning to the Goddess and is not to be feared but celebrated, after death one returns to the embrace of the goddess and to her realm. The world is tainted from interaction with the realm of the daimons and while it hasn’t reached the Eastern Continent many areas are ravaged by them. Obeah in her decent will cleanse the world and bring peace and prosperity to humanity.

Is there a God? Several? None? The church believes that there are many gods and all non daimon worshipping religions are accepted and welcome.

Are they absolute? What do they embody? Obeah is the goddess of magic and Secrecy and studying her power is what brought about magic.

Is it a religion that is rediscovered off old texts, revealed in a vision to the Prophet? The church came about after visions of the down fall heralds and Sacred Obia’Syela.

What is its take on feudalism? The church has taken an approach to separate itself from politics going so far as to say in the rules that no political advantage shall be given to other believers for simply being believers.

Do they have founding myths? Refer back to the Hearlds.

Do gods of the faith, if any, actively interfere in the world? If not, what prevents them from doing so? Obeah’s influence is in the small things thru sages and unique items she gives her blessing on the eastern continent.

Are there any views on warriors being more worthy vs priests vs bureaucrats vs advies? The other way around? With the churches position on humanitarian aid and neutrality priests are considered the highest in terms of ranking amongst noble roles as they have given up arms to pursue the faiths vision other than that all are at the same level and all deserve respect commoner and noble.

Views on wizards sages and mechanic elements. The church views individuals such as sages and wizards as those who have perceived some of Obeah’s power and take great pride in their existence as it further proves her love of humanity. Monsters are animals mutated from the impurities brought by the daimons and must be purified for the betterment of themselves and the world. Rogues and bandits who harm others for personal gain are frowned upon in the church.