Luria Nova/Events/Estate-Manager/Lance Heroux

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The grand banquet hall of the mansion is filled with anticipation as stewards and lords gather, awaiting the arrival of their liege. A hushed murmur sweeps through the room as the liege enters, offering gratitude to the lords and acknowledgment to the stewards. The liege's voice resonates through the hall as an announcement is made - a test of administrative prowess and leadership.

As you assess your competition, you recognize some of the lords, renowned for their battlefield exploits. Their swords may have sung in valor, but you wonder about their aptitude for management.

Town Estate

With a confident resolve, you choose to steward over a town estate. The urban landscape, bustling with activity and commerce, contrasts sharply with the opulent banquet hall. Cobblestone streets, market stalls, and the harmonious hum of townsfolk fill your senses as you embark on your journey. The town's prosperity and the expectations of its residents await your careful guidance and leadership.

Ration Manager

Upon your arrival at the town estate, you swiftly convene a meeting with influential figures within the estate. Here, you issue a resolute directive: consolidate all available food resources within the estate under your direct control. This decision, while met with initial hesitation and discontent by some, begins to unveil its potential as you explain your rationale.

You assure the gathering that under this new system, no resident shall need to fear the specter of starvation. The consolidation of food resources promises a transparent and equitable distribution mechanism that will benefit all who cooperate. While skepticism initially lingers in the air, it becomes evident that your vision aims to ensure the estate's food supply is both efficiently managed and fairly distributed.

As time passes, and the effectiveness of your new rationing system becomes apparent, those who harbored reservations gradually come to appreciate the wisdom of your approach. The promise of security and shared prosperity begins to dispel lingering doubts, cementing the effectiveness of your Ration Manager role in the eyes of the estate's residents.

(Yr 1)Encouraged More Merchant Visits

In your inaugural year, you make a strategic choice to attract an increased number of traders to your estate. Implementing various strategies, you endeavor to create an inviting environment that beckons merchants to your doors. However, the sustainability of this influx remains uncertain. The true test lies in your ability to devise methods that will ensure their continued patronage. Without such measures, the heightened trade activity may prove to be a temporary surge.