Luria Nova/Events/Hunting Pretenders/Day Reports/🌞 Day 15

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Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to Pretender Game (6 recipients)

🌞Day 15 - Day Phase(1/2) - 4/13 soldiers remaining

You can visit the local graveyard to examine Tybalt's body.

  1. 💤Rest(Default): Removes 2 Exhaustion Stacks.
  2. ❓Assist the Locals: By offering your help to the locals, there's a possibility they may reciprocate the favor in the future.(+1~2 material, +1~2 valuable)
  3. ❓Bribe the Locals: By offering valuables you have collected, you might be able to befriend a local faster. (-1~2 valuables)
  4. ❓Explore the Graveyard: Investigate the graves of the deceased victims for potential clues. Additionally, you can examine the executed soldiers' graves for any pertinent information.
  5. (😵+1)🔧Visit the Abandoned Market District: Explore the remains of the market district to uncover anything that could be useful in your endeavors.(1~3 materials)
  6. 💰Explore the Ruined Palace: Visit the Traveling Witch
  7. Visit a Fellow Soldier's House: Select a soldier's house to visit and interact with your comrade.(Tybalt's house included)
  8. (Requirement:🔧x3)(🌞🌑Full day) Fortify Your House: Spend a full day reinforcing your house to deter unwanted guests from entering.
  9. (Requirement:🔧x2 per trap)(🌞🌑Full day) Set Traps: Spend a full day setting traps to potentially injure any intruders.
  10. Stalk: Observe another soldier's actions to gather valuable information.(Stalking without the 'Stalker' trait will significantly increase your chance of leaving your trace behind)
  11. Steal: You no longer have to wait until night!
  12. (😵+1)Assault: Let your feast do the talk.(Choose a soldier to assault)(Loser gains +3~5 exhaustion)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath

Letter from Moria Igelfeld

Message sent to Pretender Game (6 recipients)


Tybalt was the pretender, if you doubt it you should check the body. However, I believe there is now a new pretender, I believe this because I was just cursed. I’m headed to the palace to speak with the which, the valuables I have should allow me to recharge my amulet and remove the curse.

Moria Igelfeld
Dame of Giask

Letter from Galandric Aboolio

Message sent to Pretender Game (6 recipients)

I think at this point the new Pretender is obvious. Four of us remain, among those only one of us has been removed from the exchange of the sun and moon medallions that would heal an individual of the curse. Richard must have been cursed at some point in the past and become the new Pretender upon Tybalts death. I had thought I was the only one cursed, but apparently not.

Richard, if you make a claim to not be the Pretender I challenge you to visit the Palace today so we can see if you like Tybalt are shunted from the Witches sanctum.

Galandric Aboolio
Knight of Shinnen
Priest of Lux Nova

Letter from Richard Shepherd

Message sent to Pretender Game (6 recipients)

Yes it has to be me right.... Or maybe your the pretender you like to throw accusations around like candy . I was never cursed and i'm not the pretender, and i don't need to prove it to either of you

Richard Shepherd
Earl of Shinnen Purlieus

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Galandric Aboolio)

🌞Feeling a growing suspicion towards Richard, you make the decision to stalk him, driven by the belief that the pretender's curse has found its next victim among the soldiers. With a mix of caution and determination, you embark on your mission to shadow Richard's every move.

Approaching his house, you catch sight of Richard, appearing to search for someone amidst the shadows. As your eyes meet, a sudden realization strikes you—the person he seeks is none other than yourself. Panic sets in, propelling you into a desperate attempt to evade his pursuit.

However, Richard proves to be relentless in his pursuit, closing in on you with unmatched determination. Your efforts to defend yourself prove futile against his superior weaponry and skills, leaving you brutally beaten and defeated. Left sprawled on the ground, battered and broken, you summon every ounce of strength to crawl back to the safety of your own dwelling.

The severity of your injuries is evident, requiring ample time to recover and heal. Days of rest and recuperation lie ahead, as you gather the strength to mend both your physical and emotional wounds.

(+4 exhaustion. You now have 5 in total)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Richard Shepherd)

🌞Consumed by a deep-seated frustration towards Galandric, you are compelled to confront him and instill some much-needed understanding through physical means. Fuelled by an intense determination, you emerge from the confines of your dwelling, driven by a burning passion to set things right.

Scanning the vicinity, your eyes quickly locate Galandric, who foolishly chose to hide in close proximity to your own abode. A chase ensues, with adrenaline coursing through your veins, propelling you forward in relentless pursuit of your target. In no time, you close the distance and close in on Galandric, his panic evident as he realizes the gravity of the situation.

A flurry of blows is exchanged between you and Galandric, but it becomes clear that he is no match for your skill and ferocity. Overwhelming him with a relentless assault of powerful punches and swift kicks, you leave him battered and broken, a defeated figure on the ground. With a final decisive strike, a forceful kick to his stomach, you assert your dominance and leave him reeling in pain.

Satisfied with the outcome, a sense of accomplishment washes over you as you acknowledge the lesson you have imparted upon Galandric. Retracing your steps, you make your way back to the sanctuary of your own dwelling, confident that you have conveyed the message and taught Galandric the importance of civility in your presence.

(+1 exhaustion. Galandric gains 4 exhaustion)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to Pretender Game (6 recipients)

🌞Day 15 - Day Phase(2/2) - 4/13 soldiers remaining

You can visit the local graveyard to examine Tybalt's body.

  1. 💤Rest(Default): Removes 2 Exhaustion Stacks.
  2. ❓Assist the Locals: By offering your help to the locals, there's a possibility they may reciprocate the favor in the future.(+1~2 material, +1~2 valuable)
  3. ❓Bribe the Locals: By offering valuables you have collected, you might be able to befriend a local faster. (-1~2 valuables)
  4. ❓Explore the Graveyard: Investigate the graves of the deceased victims for potential clues. Additionally, you can examine the executed soldiers' graves for any pertinent information.
  5. (😵+1)🔧Visit the Abandoned Market District: Explore the remains of the market district to uncover anything that could be useful in your endeavors.(1~3 materials)
  6. 💰Explore the Ruined Palace: Visit the Traveling Witch
  7. Visit a Fellow Soldier's House: Select a soldier's house to visit and interact with your comrade.(Tybalt's house included)
  8. (Requirement:🔧x3)(🌞🌑Full day) Fortify Your House: Spend a full day reinforcing your house to deter unwanted guests from entering.
  9. (Requirement:🔧x2 per trap)(🌞🌑Full day) Set Traps: Spend a full day setting traps to potentially injure any intruders.
  10. Stalk: Observe another soldier's actions to gather valuable information.(Stalking without the 'Stalker' trait will significantly increase your chance of leaving your trace behind)
  11. Steal: You no longer have to wait until night!
  12. (😵+1)Assault: Let your feast do the talk.(Choose a soldier to assault)(Loser gains +3~5 exhaustion)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Rojak Sethar)

🌞With a somber determination, you make your way towards the hallowed grounds of the graveyard, seeking to inspect the remains of Tybalt, the fallen soldier who bore the burden of being the pretender. The weight of the task ahead lingers in the air as you approach the designated site, where the locals have unveiled the bag containing Tybalt's supposed body.

Gently unfastening the bag, you are immediately met with the sight of the familiar, thick black strands of hair that have become synonymous with the pretender. As you carefully extract Tybalt's form from the confinements of the bag, your suspicions are confirmed—this is no longer the vessel of a human being. The pretender's true essence has been revealed, stripped of its deceptive facade.

Exposed to the unyielding gaze of the sun, the pretender's unmasked form begins to succumb to the harsh rays, its corporeal shell slowly disintegrating under the intense illumination. You bear witness to the gradual dissolution of the pretender, a transformative process that leaves only remnants in its wake.

Taking a moment to gather what remains within the bag, you retrieve the remnants of the pretender's existence, a tangible testament to the end of its reign. With a heavy heart, you conclude your inspection and carry these remnants back to the safety of your own dwelling, contemplating the significance of this discovery.

(+3 materials, +10 clues, +5 valuables, Pretender's Urn gained)

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Rojak Sethar)

While visiting the solemn grounds of the graveyard, you are taken aback as you encounter Moria, who appears to be present with the same purpose—to pay her respects and investigate the remnants of Tybalt's now-discarded physical form.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Moria Igelfeld)

🌞Driven by a sense of curiosity and a desire for answers, you make your way to the solemn grounds of the graveyard to inspect Tybalt's lifeless form. With each step, anticipation fills the air, mingling with the gravity of the situation at hand.

Upon reaching the designated spot, you find the bag that holds Tybalt's body, its contents shrouded in mystery. To your surprise, Rojak has beaten you to the scene, already in the process of unveiling the truth. Together, you stand witness to the revelation that confirms your suspicions—the thick black hair, an unmistakable symbol of the pretender.

As Rojak carefully removes Tybalt's body from the bag, it becomes evident that this is no ordinary human form. The deceptive facade that Tybalt had assumed in his quest to blend among you all has been stripped away, revealing the essence of the pretender beneath. Exposed to the unrelenting gaze of the sun, his once formidable form begins to succumb, melting away under its relentless rays.

As the last vestiges of Tybalt's existence dissolve into nothingness, Rojak retrieves what remains in the bag. With his task complete, he departs, leaving you alone amidst the remnants of Tybalt's fleeting presence.

After ensuring that Rojak has departed from the scene, you gather the remnants of Tybalt's essence, aware of the meager amount that remains. Although the essence is diminished, it is sufficient to fuel your transformation, infusing you with a newfound vitality and boundless energy.

(Inexhaustible gained - You will no longer gain exhaustion stacks)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to Pretender Game (6 recipients)

🎫Day 15 - Voting Phase (1/2) - 4/13 Remaining

Due to some confusion, more time was needed to complete the Day 15 - Day Phase.

So for Day 15 voting phase, you do not need 2 votes to extend it. It will run until the end of the next turn.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to Pretender Game (4 recipients)

🎫Day 15 - Voting Phase (2/2) - 4/13 Remaining

If you haven't voted yet, you still have time.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath

Roleplay from Galandric Aboolio

Message sent to Pretender Game (4 recipients)

As the soldiers began to gather in the town square to carry out their next decision Galandric emerged from an alley, stumbling on one leg and hardly keeping himself upright. "Richard..." He coughed as he emerged. "It was Richard everybody. He beat the hell out of me. I went to keep an eye on him and he just beat the hell outta me as soon as he saw me." He coughed a few times dramatically as to raise the audience's concern for his injuries. "This act today, along with his acts supporting the Pretender Tybalt, plus the fact he's the only logical choice due to the shuffling of the medallion, mean I have no choice but to vote for Richard's execution!"

Roleplay from Richard Shepherd

Message sent to Pretender Game (4 recipients)

"clearly your baseless accusations got you attacked pretty obvious Tybalt was not the pretender, becareful Rojak and Moria Galandric will accuse you both next to hide the fact that he is the actual pretender". So go ahead obey the pretender's wishes as it's lackey's

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to Pretender Game (4 recipients)

🎫Day 15 - Voting Result

Galandric - Richard

Moria - Richard

Richard - Galandric

Rojak - Moria

Upon witnessing the outcome of the vote, the remaining three soldiers waste no time in taking action. Uniting against Richard, they swiftly subdue him, determined to bring an end to his treacherous actions. Galandric, fueled by a deep-seated desire for retribution, seizes the executioner's axe and delivers a decisive blow, exacting justice for the harm Richard had inflicted upon him earlier.

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Galandric Aboolio)

After Richard's execution, you seize the opportunity to retrieve his superior equipment, which will undoubtedly enhance your ability to defend yourself against the Pretender's attacks. With the acquired gear in your possession, you feel a renewed sense of confidence and readiness.

Not only do you secure Richard's equipment, but you also gather valuable clues from his body. These clues may hold the key to unraveling the mysteries surrounding the Pretender and his nefarious plans. Additionally, you come across a trove of valuable items, further bolstering your resources for the impending battles ahead.

Among the treasures you discover are two remarkable artifacts. The first is the Mask of the Pretender, a powerful tool that allows you to assume different identities and effectively conceal your true self.

The second artifact is the Magical Magnifying Glass, an exceptionally rare and powerful tool that possesses only a single remaining charge. This extraordinary item grants you the ability to penetrate disguises and unveil a person's true identity, as long as your target lacks any magical means to conceal themselves.

Furthermore, you find Jumeaux's house key, a significant discovery that grants you access to his fortified house from your own.

(+15 clues, +7 valuables, Mask of the Pretender gained, Magical Magnifying Glass<1 charge> gained, Jumeaux's house key gained, Well Armed+ gained)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon
Marshal of the Novan Wrath

Report from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to Pretender Game (3 recipients)

🌑Day 15 - Night Phase(1/2)

Richard's lifeless body has been moved to the local graveyard. If you believe him to be the pretender, you may want to visit him after sunrise.

  1. 💤Sleep: You will wake up feeling refreshed. Removes 3 Exhaustion Stacks.
  2. Stay Up: You won't panic when you get attacked. You might even be able to fight back.
  3. (😵+2)Guard a fellow soldier: You will stay up and defend another soldier.
  4. (😵+2)Steal: Maybe your neighbour has something useful.
  5. (😵+1 with Stalker. +2 if you don't)Stalk: You will stalk a soldier. You will find out what action the soldier is performing.(Stalking without the 'Stalker' trait will significantly increase your chance of leaving your trace behind)
  6. (😵+1)Hide Outside: Counters Stalk
  7. (😵+1)Assault: Let your feast do the talk.(Choose a soldier to assault)(Loser gains +3~5 exhaustion)(Will damage the fortification instead if your target's house is fortified)
  8. (😵+1)Hide in a different location: You can hide in one of the empty houses previous owned by one of the soldiers(Available houses: choose a dead soldier's house - But to access Jumeaux's house you need his house key)

Wassgandr Felsenbach
Heliacal, Empyreus of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova
Duke of Eternal Radiance
Margrave of Askileon

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Moria Igelfeld)

🌑 Determined to hunt down Galandric, you shed your human guise and embrace your fearsome bestial form. With an intense focus, you leave the safety of your house and make your way towards Galandric's residence. Bursting through his door with an intimidating force, you leap onto what you expect to be his bed, ready to unleash your fury. However, to your surprise, the bed is empty, and Galandric is nowhere to be found.

Undeterred, you swiftly exit his house, scanning the surroundings for any sign of his presence. It doesn't take long for your keen senses to detect his footprints, leading you on a chase that eventually leads you to Jumeaux's heavily fortified abode. As you stand before the formidable fortress, you realize the arduous task that lies ahead. Jumeaux's defenses are formidable, and breaching his stronghold proves to be a daunting challenge.

Hours pass as you tirelessly attempt to infiltrate Jumeaux's impenetrable defenses, testing every angle and method available to you. However, it becomes evident that Jumeaux's fortifications are too well-constructed to be easily overcome. The sun begins to rise, casting its radiant light upon the sky, signaling the dawning of a new day. Recognizing the need to regroup and strategize, you retreat from the site, returning to the safety of your own house.

While you may have inflicted some damage upon Jumeaux's stronghold, it is clear that breaking into his house remains a formidable obstacle. The fortification is designed to withstand even the most determined assaults, requiring a more intricate plan or a shift in approach to succeed.

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Rojak Sethar)

🌑 As you lay down to rest and recover from your recent endeavors, a strange symphony of loud banging and scratching sounds reverberates through the air. The cacophony is unlike anything you have heard before, causing a shiver to run down your spine. Could it be the second pretender, unleashed to wreak havoc and hunt in the night?

With a mix of anticipation and trepidation, you hope that whoever has encountered the creature is capable of defending themselves. You silently pray that they have the strength and resilience to face the unknown adversary and emerge unscathed. As the night wears on, the sounds gradually fade, leaving behind an eerie silence that hangs heavy in the air.

Resting within the confines of your house, you eagerly await the arrival of morning, hoping to witness the person who dared to challenge the creature. The night passes with a sense of anticipation and a glimmer of curiosity, as you wonder about the outcome of this nocturnal encounter. With the first rays of daylight, you brace yourself for the truth, eager to see if the individual who crossed paths with the creature has emerged intact, or if they have fallen victim to its relentless pursuit.

In the moments that follow, only time will reveal the outcome of this mysterious confrontation, and you eagerly await the dawn to shed light on the fate of the brave soul who ventured into the night.

(-3 exhaustion removed. Only 1 exhaustion stack remaining)

Roleplay from Wassgandr Felsenbach

(Personal message to Galandric Aboolio)

🌑 Taking refuge within the impenetrable walls of Jumeaux's fortified house, you secure the entrance behind you, finding solace in the robust defenses that surround you. The sense of safety washes over you, offering a brief respite from the dangers that lurk outside. The dust that settles upon the furniture is a small price to pay for the fortress-like protection the house provides.

As you lay on the bed, seeking much-needed rest, a sudden and thunderous banging noise reverberates through the entire house, shaking the very foundation of your temporary sanctuary. Your eyes snap open, and your instincts kick into high gear. There is no mistaking it—the pretender has found its way to your location.

The relentless assault begins, as the pretender, with a bestial fury, scratches and smashes against the fortified walls of the house. But to its dismay, the fortifications hold strong, withstanding the relentless onslaught. Hours pass, each moment punctuated by the sounds of the beast's frustration and the resolute defense of Jumeaux's house.

With the gradual transition of the sky from darkness to a soft blue hue, the beast's fervent attempts come to an abrupt halt. The pretender, momentarily defeated, retreats into the shadows, leaving you to ponder its next move.

Despite the execution of Richard, the pretender's presence lingers, revealing that he was not the true imposter among you. The fact remains that the pretender still walks among the soldiers, hidden in plain sight. The gravity of this situation necessitates a collective decision, as the remaining soldiers must come to a consensus on whom to target for execution.

Understanding the criticality of the upcoming day, you realize that if any one of you falls victim to the pretender's machinations, the last remaining soldier will stand alone, facing an insurmountable challenge. The pretender's victory will be assured if it successfully eliminates or hunts down another soldier on the following day.

With this realization, tomorrow emerges as the final opportunity to determine the ultimate success or failure of the mission against the pretender. The weight of the impending day hangs heavy upon your shoulders, emphasizing the need for unity, vigilance, and a decisive course of action.

(-1 Fort Level for Jumeaux's house. It is now has Lv1 Fortification. -3 exhaustion removed. You now have 0 exhaustion.)