Talk:Region Claim

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Revision as of 19:49, 19 April 2006 by Eurtek (talk | contribs)
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Wouldnt this result in a lot of Cease-fires. Then a lot more declaring of war as soon as the claims are decided? ScottSabin 19 April 2006 17:31 (CEST)

If a realm makes it a habit of doing that, then they will find their enemies unwilling to sign future cease-fires. --Indirik 19 April 2006 18:03 (CEST)
True but both side would do that then all regions would become claimed. They could abuse the cease-fire and then we would have eternal war, as nobody would trust each other to keep the cease-fire longer than one turn ScottSabin 19 April 2006 18:14 (CEST)

What if realm B claims realm B's region, but then B's foderation member, realm C then TO's the region. Does this not mean a federation member would have a claim on one of your regions, which would never be able to be resolved? I mean, you cant exactly improve relations from there. --Eurtek 19 April 2006 19:49 (CEST)