Luria Nova/Events/Adventure Game

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Name Renown Prowess Leadership Endurance
Ahmadkin Imad 9 6 5 5
Asceline 6 6 5 6
Baelric 8 10 6 8
Bemmy 9 7 5 7
Bruce 14 10 5 6
Ceira 6 6 5 5
Celina 8 6 5 6
Ciarghuala 14 15 5 8
Claude 6 6 5 5
Collin 9 7 5 7
Durk 15 13 10 11
Elias 10 8 5 7
Fulco 11 14 5 6
Heirut Ve 8 7 5 7
John Jr 9 6 5 6
Josef 8 7 6 6
Kenneth 9 7 6 6
Kiran 10 8 5 6
Lance 9 8 5 8
Leonid 9 12 5 8
Lovette 9 7 5 6
Moria 8 8 5 7
Njal 6 6 5 6
Oiron 7 7 5 6
Oskar 8 10 5 7
Ravenloft 8 6 6 7
Rhonrin 6 6 5 6
Seifer 7 6 5 5
Solomon 14 12 5 7
Spartacus 8 7 6 5
Troy 6 6 5 5
Wassgandr 11 15 5 9

Attribute Explanation

  • Nicknames, class and subclass grant bonus attributes
  • Honour/100 rounded up grants bonus prowess(minimum 1)
  • Prestige/10 rounded up grants bonus renown(minimum 1)
  • Ace(from [[Luria Nova/Halls of Novan Heroes|Novan Heroes) grants 1 to all attributes per Ace
  • Campaigner Ranks grant bonus endurance
  • War stats(from [[Luria Nova/Halls of Novan Heroes|Novan Heroes) grants 1 prowess every 3