Contéfigardo Family/Pasquale Contéfigardo

From BattleMaster Wiki
Character Portrait
Continent East Continent
Family Contéfigardo Family
Class Warrior / Hero
Age 45 years
Honour 65
Prestige 29
Rank Royal
Region [[]]
Duchy [[]]
Realm Caligus
Character Description
5'10", medium build, dark hair, a light Mediterranean skin tone, has brown eyes, and a thin beard and mustache. He has a cleft chin. He is right-handed. Pasquale (pronounced pah-SKWA-leh) is quiet, confident, and tactically astute. He loves wine, and prefers to wear comfortable fine clothes, as opposed to wearing armor or other clothes that might be more utilitarian. He frequently humorous, as long as the situation is not very serious.

Name Pasquale Contéfigardo
Age 24 [[[[1]]|200px|]]
Class Warrior/Hero
Honour 46
Prestige 16
Realm Caligus
Title Patriarch of Caligus, Duke of the Lion's Mane
Items Shiny Buckler of the Stars

Caligan to His Core

Pasquale began his career as a major noble on 14th June 2021, starting in Hamadan, in the lands of Caligus. The Contéfigardo family crest is in fact based on this auspicious location. The green represents the coastal regions of the southern part of the East Continent, the blue represents the nearby ocean, and the gold fleur-de-lis represents the family's cherished home city of Hamadan itself. Pasquale was the first member of the Contéfigardo family to rise to prominence from the minor class of nobility.

Important Letters and Roleplays from Pasquale Contéfigardo (Chronological)

Unfortunately, this page of record was not created until 23rd November 2021, so roughly 4-5 months of important materials is lost to the ravages of time.

Tournament Speech in Domus, Invitation to the Golden Dawn

14th September 2021

Pasquale reviewed the tournament results on the boards near the tournament grounds. He had done poorly, being knocked out within the first round. In fact most of his realm mates had also lost in the first round, with the exception of Baron Azer, who had garnered second place in the entire tournament. They would all need to redouble their efforts in training to represent their nation better next time. Pasquale would also need to find Sir Urbin to congratulate him on his victory.

However, something else nagged at Pasquale. He wanted something important to come out of this tournament, not just for it to be a most of dust in the breezes of life. He traveled to the fields near the grounds where the various nobles had arrayed their tents, to see how many where still in town. Pasquale observed that while some were in the process of packing up, others were sticking around, partying, socializing, or conversing with other members of the nobility. This energized him; it was still not to late to make an impact.

He hired a few porters, as well as directing some of his small contingent of guards, to travel about the city and the camps, and request that the members of the nobility join him for an afterparty as well as an important topic of discussion that was dear to Earl Contéfigardo.

That evening, he received the members of assembled nobles in the largest tent that he had been able to procure. Certainly not all of the noblesse had came, but more than he had expected. The evenings festivities were centered around good and drink, as well as some lighthearted games to encourage an air of cooperation. He had tried to set the mood for his speech as well as he knew how.

Towards the end of the evening, just as he noticed the first of the nobles saying their good-byes and preparing to leave, Pasquale kept to his feet a requested that the assembled audience give him time for a short speech.

“Fine folk of our continent, I hope you have had a wonderful evening following this tournament that my realmmates of Caligus have put on. It is good to see that even following bouts of war, we can put aside our differences and come together for a common cause.”

He paused for a moment, as a smattering of applause went throughout the guests, and he joined in, though he did note one or two guest that appeared to either disagree with what he had said, or were tuning him out. Once the clapping died down, he spoke up again.

“In fact, that is what would like to speak about in these closing remarks, and to make a request. Naught but a few months ago I had little purpose beyond fighting and politics. However, with the assistance of a good friend, Margrave Dandro GoldHaart,” and at this he raised his goblet toward his friend in respect and continued, “I have now found a guiding light for my life. Dandro has established an organization, one that is dedicated to spreading enlightenment and fostering growth of knowledge, understanding, and cooperation. We are called The Golden Dawn, and I would like to invite all of you to join in our numbers. This organization works together, irrespective of religion or national borders, to tackle concepts and concerns of great importance.”

“Hopefully this idea piques your interests, and if you are so inclined, I would very much encourage you all to join and become members of this new order. Although we are not a guild per se, we have guildhalls here in Domus and another in Perdan, in order to get our message out and grow our numbers. I hope to see your names and the roster sheets soon, as I think this institution could become great, and impact and empower many upon this wild landmass that we all call home. Thank for all for coming, and I hope my words do not fall upon deaf ears. Please enjoy yourselves for the rest of the evening, food and drink will be provided late into the night.”

Again there was a smattering of applause, but Pasquale was fairly sure most of it was for the announcement of the free food and drinks. Hopefully some good came out of that speech, even if it was only a single person who was intrigued.

Acceptance Speech on Election as King of Caligus

17th November 2021


I thank you all deeply, from the bottom of my heart, for the trust that you all have shown by electing me as your new leader. For now, I will be studying and learning the intricacies of this new role of mine, and do not plan to make any major changes to government structure.

As a way of following precedence established by both our previous High King, Matthew, and by others in history before him, I will be stepping down as the general of our armies, in order to keep power of our realm in the hands of many, rather than consolidating it. I hope to see many candidates for the position of general, although I am sure that Marshal Gerard will be a tough candidate to beat for the job, if he runs for it, which I am hopeful that he does.

In addition, due to my loss of the position as lord of Abadan (as I cannot be under Duke Matthew in our heirarchy), I will be appointing myself to the vacant position of Duke that our dear Preston Greer seems to have retired from, in the eastern part of the realm.

My first duty and action will be to assist Marshal Gerard with the policing and containment of Tokat. It is too valuable a region to lose, and my hope is that soon we can recruit a noble or that a new one rises from the ranks of minor nobility to help us secure the area there. Until then, I will be positioning myself in Tokat to help maintain and secure it.

Again, I thank you all for the opportunity to lead you, my people.

Pasquale Contéfigardo

High King, General Supreme of Caligus

Royal of Caligus