Daubeny Family/Aeron/The Lady of Itau, and Her Knight

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Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (33 recipients) - 11 days, 2 hours, 57 minutes ago The Lady of Itau, and Her Knight

"It is fine, Lan, I can handle myself." Calypso said quietly, staring out over the city. It had been some time since her husband had disappeared, and she now looked out over her city. She wasn't used to that yet. The tower had been designed and built by Aidan, and she could see his hand in every single inch of it, a reminder of her husband that she could only assume now was dead or worse.

Her bodyguard and long time confidant Lanwin sighed loudly, the dark-skinned Zuma man that had travelled back with her from that cursed land, and been her stalwart companion ever since. More than companion these last few weeks, though that was not public knowledge yet, and Calypso was unsure if it ever would be. It was well known her marriage to Aidan had been one of political convenience, and she did care about him, but Lanwin had stood by her for years now, and her union with Aidan had not produced any children...

He would not have done the gesture were they not in private, but since they were...together...they had become more informal in their private moments. "If what Haide told you is true Caly, are you sure you can trust Ser Aeron? If he has been toying with the dark powers -..." Lanwin started to say, helping Calypso by clenching her breastplate back in place over the long robe she had taken to wearing, a sign of her station as an elder of the Tidemother faith. She decided to begin wearing her breastplate while holding court, along with her circlet and sword. It was appropriate for the Lady of such a large city to project an image of power to her subjects, to remind them that Calypso was no mere priest.

"I said it will be fine. He is a good man, loyal and true. He comes from good stock, as you well know. Besides, if this is some plot by the Void Gods...I trust my sword arm and the Goddess over any noble of this realm. Maybe save Duke Solomon." Calypso added confidently, looking back at her paramour in the mirror.

The breastplate was tighter than it used to be, Calypso noted silently, she had been spending too much time doing paperwork and settling the endless disputes of the merchants and minor nobility of the city these days, she was gaining weight, especially around her belly. "Remind me to schedule time for training, Lan. Its been too long to put my sword arm to use."

"Of course, Caly." Lanwin replied, putting his hands on her hips and kissing her neck.

"Enough of that, Lan, or we will never get out there! Come lets see this done. He should be here soon." Calypso said quietly, stealing a quick kiss with her lover.

In a short moment, the pair were exiting the side chamber of the great hall of the tower. There was a stately throne, where until so recently her husband had sat. There had been two chairs there for a short while, that they had used when Calypso sat with Aidan while he had held court. She had since removed it from the room. That was a reminder too many. Calypso took a seat, with Lanwin standing a respectable distance, yet close enough that he could be at her side in a flash. Ser Aeron would indeed be there shortly, and Margravine Calypso Hwitt would greet her friend with all the majesty she possessed. He would swear his loyalty to the new Lady...and take his own Lordship elsewhere.

Calypso hoped beyond hope as she sat, that what Haide had told her was exaggerated. She had lost a husband just a short time ago and she didn't want to lose a friend so close to that.

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (33 recipients) - 11 days, 1 hour, 56 minutes ago The Lady of Itau, and Her Knight

Aeron had finally made it to Itau. The journey had taken him far too long this time, he was slowing down. His condition had been unstable as of late, some days it had no affect others he found it almost consuming him. He had focused on getting to Itau, Itau first, Corna second and then the Isle third. He wouldn't risk his friends against the darkness that awaited him. The letter he had read the day prior still plagued his mind.

Duncan knew Aeron was in Tol Goldora, he taunted him, called Aeron a coward. He had written that letter with blood, Aeron wished he would never know the source of that blood. He made his way through the City. He felt so many eyes on him, he felt them bore into him and pierce his soul, he pressed on holding his cloak close around him.

He reached the tower, this was were he was knighted. He felt a crack form in his emotional armor as tears began to roll down his cheeks. His curse flared up and Aeron collapsed to his knees as he coughed and spluttered out a black globulus mass akin in look to clotted blood. He stood shakily and approached the Tower. He stopped by the guards and spoke, his voice soft and weak. "Viscount Aeron, here to see Lady Hwitt."

They waved him into to the Tower and Aeron was standing in the Great Hall again, he looked forward and saw Calypso standing with her bodyguard. Clearly Haide had spared no detail if the Lady Hwitt saw it fit to have a bodyguard. He did his best to cloak his face under his silver cloak, he lowered his head and turned his head downwards towards his shoulder. Doing his best to not let Caly see him.

He walked to before the throne, he glanced up at her and Calypso saw a pair of glowing orange eyes looking at her from the shadow of the hood. He knelt before the throne. "Hail to you Lady Hwitt of Itau. I, Prince Aeron of the Isle thank you for your invitation to Itau" Aeron's voice sounded deeper then before, there was almost an echo as he spoke as if something else as saying his words with him.

She was in her armor, she had her sword and circlet, she was clearly ready for a fight. She was scared of him, just like Haide. His mind began to wander as the frantic fear again overcame him. He shook visibly. Aeron let out an audible sigh. "I.. Why have you called me here my liege." He sounded tired as if the man had not slept for days but there was something else, fear. Aeron was clearly afraid.

He still hid his face beneath his hood and he heard Calypso's voice echo throughout the hall. "Stand and show me your face, stand proudly as a Knight who has done good and righteous service." Aeron was silent for a moment before standing. He hesitantly reached to the clasp of his cloak at his shoulder and undid it. He pulled the cloak from his body and held it underneath his arm.

Aeron looked up to Calypso with piercing orange eyes that shimmered with light, the whites of his eyes appeared to be an ashy grey. His veins seemed to pulse with a dim orange light, his burn scar that covered much of the right side of his face seemed exaggerated.

His skin was a grey color as if most of the color had been drained from the man, he shifted uncomfortably in his armor which appeared to be damaged and worn. Gone was it's silver shine and the bright blue tabard that he wore. He looked tired, heavy bags were set below his eyes and His cheeks were stained with tear streaks. His appearance was unkempt and his long hair was a mess.

He could see and feel her eyes piercing him and in her striking blue eyes he could see hatred. He felt the bubbling fear and rage as the glowing in his veins and eyes intensified. He was crying again and she hadn't even spoken yet. His tears hissed and turned to steam as they touched his skin. Aeron turned his head away from her unable to hold her gaze any longer, he closed his eyes and exhaled trying to calm himself.

Slowly the glow died down to a dim light glow. He opened his eyes and without looking back at Calypso spoke. "H-hello Caly, why am I here? I still have so much work to do but Haide said it was urgent."

Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (33 recipients) - 6 days, 11 hours, 55 minutes ago The Lady of Itau, and Her Knight

Calypso watched Ser Aeron drop his hood, and could see his unnatural eyes, his pallid skin, the blackened veins. As soon as this was done, Lanwin began to move forward, starting to draw his blade before Calypso raised a hand. He stopped immediately and relaxed, returning the weapon to its sheath.

Calypso's brow furrowed into concern as she looked at Aeron. "I see what I was told is accurate, unfortunately. Ser Aeron, I have asked you to come here to for the formal oath of fealty, to then release you of it so you might take up the mantle of lord yourself, and finally..." Calypso paused, searching for the right words, "Because I consider you a friend, and other friends and I are concerned for your wellbeing."

In a language that few humans outside the south spoke, Calypso spoke quickly to her bodyguard and paramour, "A curse? The work of the Void Gods?" Lanwin perked up at hearing Calypso speak his native tongue, as she had never done so in the presence of others before but replied quietly to the empty hall in Zuma, "I have seen my former Masters weave curses...this does not look like those."

Calypso nodded, saying to Aeron as she rose, "Forgive me, I have been studying the languages of our neighbors to the south given recent events, and I have found myself slipping into it without thinking of late. Kneel with honor, my friend and Knight, so that I might reaffirm your vows to Itau, myself, and Tol Goldora."

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (33 recipients) - 5 days, 18 hours, 59 minutes ago The Lady of Itau, and Her Knight

Aeron heard the sound of steel being drawn and his gaze snapped to Lanwin and Aeron hand shot to the sword on his hip, his veins beginning to faintly flicker with an orange glow as a darkness started to creep into Aeron's eyes. His mind let out a tortured cry of protest demanding him to strike out and destroy the threat before him but Aeron gritted his teeth and let go of his sword's hilt as Calypso raised her hand and the Zuma man let go of his weapon.

He sighed and his appearance slowly began to return almost to normal. He seemed weak for a moment, he looked back at Calypso as he spoke. "I am find my friend, truly it's nothing for you or the others to worry about. As for this Oath of Featly, I shall swear it freely, it is my regret that it will only last for this one day before I return to Kynazes."

Calypso speak to her bodyguard in the native tongue of the Zuma, he had never had a chance to study their language and now doubted he'd ever have a chance to, he seemed worried and reached to his neck where grasped a necklace. He spoke quietly and his form shifted, his skin returned to a much more normal and human look. His eyes remained the vibrant orange they had always been and Aeron looked as he always looked like.

Aeron suddenly collapsed to his knees as his hands hit the ground to stop him from completely collapsing. He coughed and spluttered as if suddenly choking, a small puddle of black ichor formed on the ground where Aeron had coughed up what looked to be a blackened blood. He shook his head and weakly got to his feet.

He looked back to Calypso and tried to give her a small smile. "S-see, it's still just me, I am fine, I can fix it. No one has to worry about me." He stood and walked closer stopping about ten feet from Calypso's throne and knelt before her. "I, Ser Aeron of Itau, soon to be Viscount of Kynazes do kneel before you Lady Calypso of Itau."

Roleplay from Calypso Hwitt Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (32 recipients) - 7 hours, 15 minutes ago The Lady of Itau, and Her Knight

"And the Lady of Itau does accept his service, and then formally and honorably releases him of it to take command of the region of Kynazes. You may arise." Calypso replied. She spoke automatically, trying to gauge what she had just seen. She had seen him reach for that necklace and it just furthered her suspicions that this was no curse.

Calypso stood herself, making sure she gathered her robes around her, and straightening out the breastplate she wore, which had shifted up slightly as she sat, an unfortunate side effect of her recent weight gain. She really should see a healer about that, as her appetite had increased strongly in the last week or so, but now wasn't the time to worry about that.

Calypso walked down the steps to her throne and put a reassuring hand on Ser Aeron's shoulder. She gestured to one of the side chambers of the hall and said, "Walk with me, if you would please, there is something I'd like to show you."

She led the young knight to a nondescript door, Lanwin following warily behind, and drew out a key from under her robes. "This door is one that I leave locked for security reasons." Calypso stated matter of factly. She unlocked the door with a noticeable click and opened it, beyond was a dark spiraling staircase cut into the stone of the tall tower, wide enough for only a single person at a time. "This was the first stairway into the tower, and runs opposite the main staircase leading upwards. It is no longer used these days, as the main staircase is wider and easier to use, but has its uses." Calypso stated, as she gestured for Aeron to follow her.

The trio walked up the stairs for a short time, where it became notable that there were only small windows for light to enter from the outside, so small one could not fit their hand through the slit if they wanted to. There were side doors every so often as the staircase went up the tower, until finally Calypso stopped at one of them, no different than the others. She spoked quietly now, the dark and claustrophobic environment lending feeling oppressively around them, "Aidan was an excellent architect, he designed this tower himself you know? Well, he knew that any noble needed a place to keep things out of sight, and how better than a nondescript door in an unused passage in a tower?"

Calypso unlocked this door with a different key, and opened the door into a small, dark library. She went over to one of the walls and opened the shuttered window, allowing in the sunlight. The room was small, and filled with bookcases bursting full. There was a fireplace, empty save a few old ashes, and a single rocking chair. "While I was among the Zuma, I took up learning their ways, Ser Aeron. Your niece didn't care for them, and so left me to it alone." Calypso stated, gesturing for Aeron to enter as Lanwin brought forth a flint and steel to light a few small sconces on the wall, and closing the door behind them. The whole room smelled of stale air and paper.

"They allowed me access to all their matierals. Everything. Held nothing back. So I learned, and obtained knowledge. In addition, I learned more after joining the Priesthood. There is much the Church knows and keeps to itself of the Void Gods and their designs." Calypso said, walking steadily and running her hand across the old leatherbound books. "Among the things I learned were the dark arts, Ser Aeron. I learn it as a healer learns of poisons, to excise them if necessary and heal the body and soul."

Calypso finally came to rest in front of Aeron, putting another reassuring hand on his shoulder and finally saying softly, "Whether it be by curse or design, I can help you Aeron. I have looked into the dark places of the world. There are none darker than Nightmarch. If this is a curse as you told others I can try to help you break it, and if it is something you chose willingly, I can break you of its hold. There is no power in the dark arts that one cannot achieve without them. It is a quick path to power, but is not more powerful than the Goddess, or indeed the indomitable spirit of man itself."

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (30 recipients) - 4 days, 23 hours, 12 minutes ago The Lady of Itau and Her Knight

Aeron bowed his head and smiled, he stood as Calypso did and he looked away from her gaze, clearly uncomfortable about something. Calypso put a hand on his shoulder and he took a small step back. He sighed and changed his mannerism immediately standing straight and smiling seemingly happy. He looked to the side door and his mind filled with fears of being killed. He shook it off and nodded "Lead on Lady Hwitt." Aeron was silent whilst they ascended the tower, he seemed nervous and his hand stayed close to his side and his sheathed sword as he was clearly uncomfortable with the growing oppressive feeling that entered his heart.

He spoke hesitantly as Calypso began to unlock a door. "I was aware that he made much of this place, I read alot about the history of Itau when I became a Knight of the region." He glanced at Lanwin and snapped his gaze back to Calypso, something was off with Aeron's demeanor. He had never been a confident or outgoing person but he seemed to filled with worry. He entered the chamber and waited as Lanwin struck fire to a few wall scones. He looked around the room, it looked like a library and smelt like one too with the smell of stale paper thick in the air. A small smile crossed over his face as he looked around.

Lanwin left the two of them alone and Aeron visibly relaxed, his right hand falling away from his blade's sheath. He looked around the room and listened intently to Calypso as she spoke, he shook his head as she mentioned how Aerin had dismissed the Zuma's teachings. "That sounds like my niece, put her in one of the most mysterious and fascinating places on this continent and all she'll focus on is being drunk and leaving."

His expression changed to confusion as she mentioned the Void Gods. He looked away from her when she spoke about Dark Arts, shifting uncomfortably, she stood before him and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He pushed it away and shook his head .

"So Haide told you, not unsurprising, she is terrible at keeping secrets. I don't need your help Lady Hwitt, I...." He paused and walked over to the open window, he breathed in the air. The salty air reminding him all too much of home. He closed the shutter leaving him and Calypso with only the lit scones for light. He looked to the fire place and walked over, sitting down he placed his hand upon the wood and grit his teeth as his veins flared up with a bright orange light and his skin became pallid then after a short moment the wood caught fire and Aeron pulled his hand from the fire.

He looked into the fire and in it saw memories of dark times as his burns began to itch. He sighed and looked back to Calypso. "I partly lied to Haide, I didn't understand what had happened to me at the time but now that I've time to study and research. This is a curse, that much is true as is the fact that it is slowly killing me but it's not killing me as fast as I first thought and if I do not push myself to hard it is even manageable."

He decided he would explain it all, he would tell Caly exactly what he had done. "This curse is not from some dark magic of my own design, it comes from my blood. The blood of the Isle is the blood of Martyrs and Heroes, that's what we are always told. If only the others knew the truth behind those words." He felt the pinpricks of tears as his emotions began to boil and slip through his attempt to appear calm. "It's a curse, all of Daubeny blood are doomed to die a painful, violent death and not even does that death release us, we will never know peace even when we die our souls are snatched by the Fates to wage war in the heavens. This is the curse that drives my Blackstone cousins to madness....this is the curse that burns my soul and body, leaving me as nothing but a living inferno of wrath."

Aeron choked out a sob. "But how, what being could or would curse the entire Daubeny Bloodline? That was the one piece of the puzzle I didn't understand even now and still I don't understand what is so different about me." He lowered his head and he felt the darkness of despair washing over him. "I don't know what to do now, I suppose all I have let is to fight and die for the sake of the Isle. Just like my family."