Daubeny Family/Aeron/Battle in Mozyr

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Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (34 recipients) - 28 days, 21 hours, 26 minutes ago Battle in Mozyr

Aeron looked out across the fields and vineyards of Mozyr. The townsfolk had all hidden within their homes but the Undead would find them soon enough and the slaughter would begin if left unchallenged. The sun began to rise above the fields and a storm brewed overhead. Lightning crackled and the golden light of the Sun and the blue flashes of the storm danced across the silver armored battalion that marched forward. The Undead turned their lifeless gazes towards the warriors that marched towards them.

Aeron knew the dammed wretches would not resist the potential meal that the Dawn Guard offered and so had his men march around the border to draw the undead from the villages and out into the fields. The Banners of the Autarchy and Isle fluttered in the wind, Aeron raised his hand and gave an order to his men. "Spears down Brothers and Sisters, we will take the fight to them, today is a day for swords and butcher's work." He drew his own sword an pointed it forward towards the horde of undead.

"Send these tortured souls back to their rest, release them of their cursed existence, sound the charge." At his words Dirlen blew out a long call from the Isle's Warhorn. The sound echoed throughout the Pass.

And the men and women of the Isle surged forth like a silver tide that washed away the undead. Not one drop of Islemen blood hit the soils as the Dawn Guard cut down the horde with efficiency and grace, each warrior working in sync with those beside him. Within but five minutes the horde of Undead had been cut down with only Sergeant Miron and Eliana of Stonepass had been injured. A broken wrist and a cracked rib respectably.

Aeron had their wounds tended too and as quickly as they came the Dawn Guard were marching out again. Leaving a burning pile of dead behind them.

As the men were leaving Aeron felt a smile cross his lips, he had been doing well as Warden of the Pass. Though he felt more and more worry for his homeland he knew that soon Haide and Nalaya would have time to help him, he just had keep the realm clear of filth for a little while longer.