Unti Family/Nerta/A5S3

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Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Your majesty,

The 22nd of September fast approaches along with the Equinox Masquerade of the Old Gods. It shall be a day of celebration both in defiance of the encroaching winter and to honour the Masked One; the God of Sun and Moon.

The untamed celebration will be about subverting norms and the mingling of peoples from all walks of life. All while striving for balance.

Reverie through dance, feasting, and drinking is usually matched by sparring, hunts, and vigils for the fallen. Though, shielded by the masks, some may lean towards pranks and acts of charity instead. All is in the spirit of good fun, of course.

The Followers see no reason to cloister ourselves in this time of merryment and would invite others to join us. Perhaps Her Majesty would like to declare a tournament in tandem with the celebration?
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Personal message to Nerta the Weaver
Priestess Nerta, So long as the Equinox Masquerade does not interfere with necessary military functions it will be a welcome addition to the social calendar. I'll discuss your request for a tournament to accompany the Masquerade with the Council as both the scope of prizes and the choice of location will need to be considered.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal message to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
I don't think you have to worry about military preparedness. Part of the celebration is a monster hunt after all. Either way thank you for considering the offer. Hopefully you can get back to me in a couple days, otherwise one of the other nations will probably host. I wouldn't worry too much about a prize and I'm sure Aeravon will be happy to host if you ask him.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Senex, What all do you need for this feast? I can send some maidens to facilitate the event if needed. Possibly even take a more direct influence if such things are needed.
Anyte Luitolf (Foederati)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
We're going to need drinks, probably a lot.

Also a bunch of cheap masks. If folks join in without them it'll be a bit strange.

We'll need some kind of troupe or band for a dance.

Of course there will be a feast. Given the Followers are scattered across the north we could each bring a regional specialty.

For those more on the grim side of things, we'll need a hunt master to organize the sortie after monsters.

And probably someone who will handle the vigils for the fallen.

And maybe someone who can track down any pranksters.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Ioulas Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Collected Faithful,

Most of you do not know me, as I am freshly arrived revelry from Dwilight! Hello!

The idea of a masquerade sounds wonderful, but perhaps instead of doing cheap masks, we might each commission our own? Have a competition to see who has the most magnificent mask and costume!

I assure you, that my husband, Ser Acalan Osoro, and I are most excited for the event.

Ioulas Hwitt (Knight of Ieara)
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
A contest for masks? Sounds like a decent idea. Anyone know a good artisan who might make them? We should still assemble a stack of cheap masks for any outsiders who want to join in, just in case.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Ioulas Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
If anyone knows of a good artisan for such things, please get me in touch, as beauty is a thing more sorely needed here than other places. However I already have a magnificent mask already! No self-respecting noble should leave their continent without one!
Ioulas Hwitt (Knight of Ieara)
Letter from Acalan Osoro
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
That’s too bad, my husband. I was going to offer to make you one! Well, if anybody else would like a mask made of metal, I only need access to a forge.
Acalan Osoro (Knight of Ieara)
Roleplay from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Swampland had taken over this part of the region. Even where there was a road, there was no part of Black Jaw’s Conquest that didn’t cause a traveler to sink a little bit. Devoid of trade, food, and even decent hunting, it was no wonder why the area had been considered a lost cause. As a trade for borrowing some of their craftsmen for what the minor Lord Jakken ri Shieldborn considered an affront to their efforts to defend the region from Black Jaw’s curse, Soren agreed to march a few men into the Conquest. Once inside, he would scout, and see for himself the terror that is held back by only water and their brave journeys into the wastes.

It would have been a great tale if Soren had encountered mysterious creatures, the great wolf Black Jaw himself, or even something akin to a necromancer or a daimon worshiper that he could slide steel through. Instead he got mud. Lots of mud. Here there was nothing but nature, a piece of the land retaken from humanity, never to be used for anything. Resting was a luxury only afforded to them when they found one of the ruined buildings belonging to the Shieldborn family’s ancestors, one of the few not reclaimed by the land. An ancient tower set to scan the rivers for potential dangers. The remains of a warning fire and expeditions past told them of its safety for use.

Several uneventful hours later, as Soren left the swampland with his men, blissfully unaware of the golden eyes on his back, he shook his head at the waiting minor lord. “Nothing of interest, Sir Jakken. Just ruins and mud as far as the eye can see.”

A growl and a harrumph. The man had seen the all clear signal fires lit as Soren and his men traveled the area. “You lucked out today, my Lord. But in the future, remember. Nothing is safe in those lands. Perhaps you weren’t to be trifled with this time, but the swamp wolves know… They will get you in the future.” Soren laughed and started back towards the town. “Then next time I’ll bring more men and we’ll see if we can lure out the beasts. Now, where are your craftsmen? I’m need that mask for the festival."

“Are you going to go as a wolf, my Lord?” “Too obvious,” Soren dismissed. “I’m planning on going with… a fox.”

“A fox?” Oldred piped up from Soren’s side.

“Wolves and dragons dominated the family for years, but there were other beasts. A mouse, a phoenix, and a hawk for example. Then there was the fox, and the family members bearing that symbol were always the most dangerous ones,” he revealed, a playful grin dancing across his face at the thought of claiming the symbol for his own.
Soren Navaar (Count of Seven Rivers)
Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Message to everyone in Ar Agyr
I was recently asked by Priestess Nerta if a tournament could be held to accompany the Masquerade and after raising the matter with the Advisory Council I think this is a good idea. Unfortunately I'm currently busy hosting King Dancer in Qual so cannot make the necessary arrangements in person however if Duke Aeravon is amenable to hosting a tournament in Fronepu then it will have Royal blessing and I will provide 500 gold towards prize money.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in Ar Agyr
With just over a week until the Equinox Masquerade, the Temples to the Old Gods are busy with preparations.

The slate of events is complex with feasting, dancing and drinking along with duels, monster hunts and vigils for the dead.

That it would be the first Masquerade in many years adds to the fervor around the realm.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
The Equinox Masquerade
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The Equinox Masquerade is in full swing, with Followers of the Old Gods enjoying reverie and somber defiance of the coming winter.

The sun-masked figure seated at the feast table had avoided staining their white robe with grease. An impressive feat given the impromptu eating contest with Ioulas. Sipping ichor brandy the figure's voice echoes behind the mask.

"Ah. A fine brew. I must say Ioulas, if you fight half as well as you feast, you must be a warrior without peer."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Ioulas Hwitt
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Ioulas had been waiting weeks for the event that would be his first major appearance before the rest of the realm, and he had taken quite a bit of time to prepare. In the previous weeks, following his meeting and then whirlwind romance to his fellow knight, Ser Acalan Osoro, the pair had been married in a private ceremony in Fronepu. They had both decided to let this event be their introduction, and as the pair entered the space they were loudly announced, "Ser Acalan Osoro, knight of Ieara and his husband, Ser Ioulas Hwitt, knight of Ieara!"

The pair entered as heads turned toward them, making Ioulas smile under his mask. He wore an intricate brocade of white and gold, with a flowing red cape that flowed behind him as he walked. He wore a golden mask that completely covered his face, topped with a large golden lion, topped further still with detailed sunbeams complete with crystals and red gemstones. The display was ostentatious, intentionally so, and Ioulas relished the looks he and his husband received as the walked arm in arm together through the hall.

He sat down, being offered a glass of fine red wine by a servant and looked to his husband, "My love isn't this delightful! None here so finely dressed us as I think, we are practically guaranteed victory in this costume contest!" As he spoke, a masked figure, also in sun motif, approached him, and challenged him to a contest of feasting.

Ser Ioulas Hwitt was many things. Humble was not one of those things, and so he laughed and accepted the challenged, removing the part of his mask covering his mouth as he bade the figure sit beside him. He had no idea who this woman was, and that was part of the fun. Food was brought forward, of all varying kinds, and Ioulas simply tried all of it as it came, totally unused to challenges such as this, being a relatively light eater and a man of slight frame, but he would never back down a contest, his pride did not allow it.

The pair ate as Acalan stifled laughter at his side. After a short while, after finishing a second glass of wine, Ioulas leaned over to his competitor and put his hands in defeat, "Madam the depth of your gullet knows no bounds, I admit defeat!"

Ioulas bowed respectfully at his competitors compliment, and gestured to his husband, "Indeed madam it was through training the art of swordsmanship that I met my dear Acalan just over a month ago! But now I simply must go dance! Come my love, shall we hold back the dawn and dance the night away!?" He looked back at Acalan, and offered his hand for a dance.
Ioulas Hwitt (Knight of Ieara)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
The twin sun to Ioulas bows.

"I have not eaten in some time, so my depths no doubt extend to the Abyss. Which is convenient given this Fronenite food is rich."

As the man calls for his husband the figure raises an iron gauntlet.

"Enjoy the dance, I may join once my stomach settles."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Anyte Luitolf
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Damsels from the Bathory had been sent in the care of Matron Allova Saxa, with a contingent of Maidens for protection, to help with the set up the masquerade. Each of them wore masks of pure white with accents of ice blue, save the Matron herself who had a smaller mask of red. Anyte had not decided if she was personally attending just yet, it being in Ar Agyr and all, but finally ended up deciding that her faith was more important than petty personal squabbles. The night of the event, she had her carriage pull straight before the entrance.

Elegantly, Anyte stepped out of the carriage dressed in a brilliant, lavender dress, hair drawn up and held in place by a gold net, sporting a personal wolf like mask that started black and turned purple at the edges with the fur in a fiery pattern. Slowly, and leaning heavily upon her cane, she hobbled through the doors with the Matron Isemay by her side, flanked by more armed maidens, none of which wore masks themselves.

Once inside, the scene was set with a banquet of food, servants hauling drink to distinguished guests, and several obvious nobles in their own masks. The only one she new on sight was the one in the sun mask, having met her during the events in Vore and her altercation with the King. She was already speaking with a rather garishly dressed gentleman, so there was little reason to bother her.

"Madam, would you care for some wine?" One of the servants asked, and went to hand her a glass, but Isemay interceded, "If Her Grace wishes refreshments, they will be provided." While the maidens had been sent to join the others who had came with the first group, Isemay stayed steadfastly by her mistress's side.

Anyte reached out and took the glass anyway, "Thank you, Isemay, you are a fine protector. However, I must be polite to our guests. For all we know this could have been sent by an important patron." Isemay nodded, obviously less enthused about the situation given the past. Anyte settled into a seat at a near by table, browsing to see if there was anyone she might recognize, for better or worse.
Anyte Luitolf (Duchess of The Bathory)
Roleplay from Acalan Osoro
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Acalan smiles broadly from under his mask as he’s officially introduced for the first time—the first time in his short career as a noble, and the first time as a married man. He pecks the golden-haired man on his arm and whispers, “All eyes are on you, my love! You are radiant!”

The young knight himself wears a silver wolf mask—one he crafted by hand in his home region of Bil Havil. His outfit, a motif of the moon, compliments Ioulas’s but is much more understated on the whole. Whereas Ioulas is in white and gold, Acalan is in black and silver. In place of a cape, Acalan wears a scarf, and where Ioulas has a slim-cut brocade to accentuate his waist, Acalan’s jacket is broad through the shoulders with a tall, stiff collar.

Truly, everyone seems to be fawning over his husband, and Acalan couldn’t be happier.

As the new couple makes their way through the crowd, Acalan is blown away by the colors and craftsmanship and high spirits. His head turns this way and that, trying to take everything in at once.“This is lovely!”

He laughs cheerfully when Ioulas accepts the eating challenge. “You eat like a little bird!” Acalan chuckles good-naturedly. Then with a subtle wink, he adds, “…Most times.”

As his husband competes, Acalan holds nothing back, clapping loudly and whooping and hollering, announcing to anyone who would listen that Ioulas is his husband and infecting passersby with smiles as they are drawn in to see what all the fuss is about.

”An admirable effort! But you were defeated by a worthy champion!” Acalan bows deeply to Nerta when it’s all over. “Well done, ma’am! And I must say, that is a lovely mask!”

Finally, with a flutter in his heart, Acalan takes his husband’s hand and does the one thing he came to this masquerade to do: dance.

He leads them into an open space and begins moving them to the music with relaxed, confident steps. “Have I told you I love to dance?” he asks, spinning and then dipping his husband.

Still supporting Ioulas’s back, Acalan spots a woman he’s never met before (which isn’t exactly shocking). She has a cane and wears a mask in purple fiery fur. “Ma’am!” he calls to her with a smile, his own wolf mask raising up on his cheeks as he does. “Your mask is stunning! And what a great choice in animal!”

And with that, he pulls Ioulas back to his feet and plants a passionate kiss on his lips. Life couldn’t be sweeter.
Acalan Osoro (Knight of Ieara)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
"The lady is wise to suspect free drinks. After all that one came from a mischievous jester in a golden mask."

The figure clad in a sun-mask gestures to the chair across from the lady Anyte dressed as a midnight wolf.

"I'm glad you could make it to the party, but a lady such as yourself should not sit alone. May I join you or," nodding to the dancing duo, "will you join them?"
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
Not a single attendant or an announcement, the man had come as he was. The next guest to arrive was a man in an unusual cotton outfit. Clothed in bright whites, accented in vibrant amaranthine and a matching colored sash in the style of the peoples of the desert. While originally, the man had planned on taking a fox mask, a series of mishaps led instead to a change in plans. Now as he entered the feasting, his outfit seemed to flow as if the man himself walked with the wind, the perfect ensemble to match a hawk's mask that hid the upper half of his face.

Gliding past a server, he paused only for a moment. The flip of a coin in his mind decided for him as he took a glass of brandy in his hand and sipped at it. The next person to do the same would find the unfortunate surprise of a brandy spiked with a spicy pepper blend. His grey eyes gazed out over the many people who had gathered, and with a smile like the bird of prey he embodied he made his way into the throng of celebrations looking for a table to take in and familiarize himself with his surroundings.
Soren Navaar (Count of Seven Rivers)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone at the Equinox Masquerade
A hand grabs the passing silver hawk Soren.

"Good sir, would you join the lady and I in a drink?"

With the other hand the figure in gold & white waves for a servant.

"I can offer you some brandy for your troubles."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)