Old Chain Mail

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Type Armour
Discovered By Cedreic
Discovery Date 2021-09-18
Discovery Location Vashgew, Dwilight
Abilities Prestige +8
+8% Bureaucracy
Current Owner Cedreic

History: The armor was first recovered by the adventurer Cedreic from the Dread Gnoll Sebastian. The deadly gnoll had gathered a band of deadly killers, honing his band's skills in the wild reaches of the frontier long before setting his sights on the rich plunders to be had on D'Haran soil. It had been in the wastelands that Sebastian had come upon the Old Chain Mail, a relic of a time long forgotten, and with its power he had come to be recognized for his power and ability to organize, something rarely seen among Gnoll kind. He could have amassed a great army, but instead he focused his efforts and gathered only the deadliest of warriors. This allowed him and his band to reek untold havok, but only for so long.

Eventually Cedreic was hired to flush them out, and he quickly discovered their weakness. Every time the beasts raided a town it was told they drank everything they could get their hands on, insatiable for drink they were. What few survivors were left would say the Gnoll warriors would be drinking the taverns larders even as battle waged. It was with that knowledge and the held of a local merchant that Cedreic set a trap, sending out a fake caravan loaded with kegs of beer into the Gnoll bands path. As expected they attacked, looted, and drank the beer with reckless abandon. The battle between Cedreic and the Gnoll that proceeded after was aided by the creatures not only being drunk. but thoroughly poisoned. The Dread Gnoll Sebastian fell shattered beneath the adventurers mace, but the Old Chain Mail survived, and was taken to a more prosperous future.