Daubeny Family/Aeron/We are the Shield

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Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 12 days, 20 hours, 9 minutes ago We are the Shield

When Aeron's read the report he felt a fury not felt since the Civil War overtake him. He and his men rode out from Itau bearing the Autarch's colors, the Dawn Guard reached Dunnbrook within two days and all their might was spent searching for Corna. Aeron remembered his promise to the Viscountess, he swore to protect her and her region with all his strength.

The Young Prince ripped through the Dunnbrook countryside, searching for any sign of the Lady of Dunnbrook.

Nothing. He found nothing.

Then the orders came to march, Knyazes was under assault by an undead hordes. Aeron sent scouts so he was not marching blind, the scouts returned and their news shook him to his core. Over one-hundred undead many bearing the Silver Stars of Enarion and the Golden Sun upon their shields and armor.

His warriors, the Dawn Guard who had fallen in the defense of Tol Goldora, all now had been raised to do battle against the living and to plague the lands of the Aurtarchy. Aeron received orders to halt his march and await reinforcements and the Young Prince had never been one to refuse orders before but his blood turned to a hot oil in his veins as the knowledge of the nature of these undead played on his mind. He finally let out a cry of rage that echoed throughout the camp as he took sword and shield in hand, ordering a march.

The drums beat to the tune of war as warhorns that echoed throughout the region sounded off the march. The Silver-clad men marched unyielding, their silver armor shimmering in the early sunlight. Captain Dirlen shared a concerned glance with Sergeant Torrin, Aeron was not in his right mind but honor and duty dictated the Dawn Guard march and do battle against the undead no matter the odds and so none voiced complaint nor worry.

It would have been for naught anyway as the Prince of the Isle only focus was on the coming battle, he tried to push fear and worry from his heart, Corna was strong, stronger then even him. She would be fine. She had to be fine.

The undead met them just as the sun rose above the fields of Knyazes, Dame Alogupa had marched with him. Aeron would have to thank her later but he would not get the chance until the fight was done. It was by all accounts a slaughter and half of the Dawn Guard had died before they could even react. Aeron heard Dirlen blast twice with the horn before being overrun and the survivors fled from the undead horde, none of them making it out without a wound. Except for Aeron himself, he marched into the undead horde and slashed his way through until he was able to pick up the injured form of Captain Dirlen and marched again right back out of the horde.

Superficial cuts and wounds covered his armor and body but no major injury had been inflicted to Aeron. He looked back to the Horde and swore he would not rest until all of them had been put to rest, they deserved that small mercy for all their years of service in the defense of the House of Sun and the people of Tol Goldora.

And so after gathering together in a small cave to await reinforcements Aeron stood alone at the cave's mouth, his gaze distant and his thoughts not for the first time wandered back to