Daubeny Family/Aeron/That Hurt

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Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 23 days, 15 hours, 57 minutes ago That Hurt

Aeron was home, the Isle. He stepped off the ship and ran through the city he had so long called home. Tall white buildings with colorful banners and beautiful gardens surrounded him. He felt the pinpricks of tears as he looked up and saw the White Tower.

He smiled, he was finally home.

A warmth washed over him and a sound of fire whooshing and stone erupting echoed all around him, the ground shook and his home burned. Screams filled the air as men, women and children were slaughtered by monsters. He ran towards the tower, if he got there maybe he could stop it.

He reached the throne room and the sight before him shook him to his core, Blackstone banners hung from the sides of the throne. Dawn Guard lay slaughtered all around the throne room and upon the throne sitting there with a malicious smirk.

"Hello cousin, welcome home." Apollyon spoke in voice layered thick with danger. His eyes a burning crimson, unnatural and completely unlike his normal hazel brown eyes. Aeron gasped and then screamed in pain as a spear was thrust through his back and up out of his chest.

He was pushed up and hung freely in the air, impaled upon the assailant's spear, a familiar voice echoed throughout the halls. "You've lost, poor little Aeron is going to die and no one is going to remember him." The spear was pulled from him and Aeron hit the ground, coughing blood over the white tiles. He looked up towards the throne as Duncan strode past him whistling a tune as he casually twirled the spear.

The two Blackstone brothers looked down at Aeron with evil smirks and malicious glares. Duncan grinned to Aeron. "Oh don't worry, we'll kill those Goldoran harlots you call friends, so you won't die completely alone."

Aeron felt his strength drain and the darkness take him.

Roleplay from Corna Wolfvern

(Personal message to Aeron Daubeny) - 53 minutes ago

Corna finds Aeron tent. Wounded and unable to speak she tends to his wounds. Play with his hair and tends to his needs. From needing water to adjustment of limbs. She is there to attend all his needs. "Rest my prince you need the rest for you have fought well." She kiss his lips and returns to his needs.

A soft kiss upon his lips caused him to start to stir, he was tossing and turning. With a loud scream of fear he sat straight up causing pain to shoot up his back, he winced and swore from the pain. He ran a hand over his face and tried to look around. His vision was blurry and unfocused, he blinked and realized he was not in the throne room, he let out a long sigh before looking to Corna.

Relief flooded his face and he reached out and gently ran a hand over her cheek, he felt tears roll down his cheeks before a look of dread filled his eyes and in a flurry Aeron asked "Are you hurt? Is everyone safe? Did we win?"