Daubeny Family/Isle of Stone/War of the Isle and Beast/Battle of Stonepass

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Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (38 recipients) - 20 hours, 36 minutes ago The Battle of Stone Pass

Aerin looked to her Rangers, all had been mustered for the counteroffensive against the Oricana gathered in the recently lost Northwatch. With her now was all thirty of the Rangers of the Isle. Clad in a rich brow leather and wearing dark green grey hoods with their bows and quivers slung over their shoulders and back.

She kissed the pendant of the Tidemother and made a quiet prayer for protection, after a moment had passed she heard the familiar sound of the war-horn of Enarion. The sound of thundering hooves approached as eighty silver clad riders rode forth from the south-east. She smiled towards the man that led the riders. His short cut blonde hair a match, they looked much alike except her brother had their Father's purple eyes. "There you are brother, I started to think I would need to go on without you." The man smiled and let out a short bark of laughter as he rode up beside his sister. "What and fight the horde without me, I thought we were friends."

Aerin laughed and punched Damian's shoulder, her fist tapping against the steel armor. The Twins looked out along the path towards the Castle of Northwatch, all feeling of joy faded as both signaled to the host of one hundred and ten riders. Without another sound they set out at a gallop. Thundering hooves shaking the ground as the Blue and Silver Banner of the Isle fluttered in the breeze.

The host travelled for nearly four hours without incident, they were passing along the rode beside the Forest of Arcton. A sharp sounded whistled through the air and a cry went out as one of the armored riders fell from his horse, a bronze arrow sticking from his neck. The host froze for a second before another cry went up, this one from Damian. "AMBUSH!"

A familiar war-horn blew throughout the hills and trees, it was a long almost nasal sound and from the trees to their west and the hills to their east surged forth a tide of Blue-skins. Oricians leapt forth hollering and roaring with fury as dozens upon dozens of goblins surged forth with spears of bronze and short bows.

The Rangers began to fire back at the enemy archers as the Outriders let forth a cry and surged in all directions. Long glaives slashing down the Oricana tide. Aeron unsheathed her sword as her brother shouted out an order. "RIDE FORTH, WE'LL LOOP AROUND AND HIT THEM, RIDE FORWARDS!" Many followed his order and rode forwards, Aeron followed suit but out the corner of her eye she noticed a goblin signal to an unseen foe. Before she could warn Damian the ground before them fell away to reveal spikes of bronze and wood.

Damian jumped from his horse and landed to the side of the trap with a thud as came to a halt with a few of the others but for many of the Outriders the realization came to late as men, women and their steeds fell down into the trap, skewering themselves. The lucky ones died instantly but soon the air was filled with cries of pain and pleas for aid that would never come. Aerin dismounted and rushed to her brother's side, he stood up with her help and they surveyed the seen of chaos around them. With their trap now sprung the Blue-skins were surged forth relentlessly.

Damian pulled his horn from his belt and let out a long blast of the war-horn. "WE ARE BROKEN, WITHDRAW!" The order fell upon deaf ears as the melee was too chaotic for any to even hear him. Thundering footsteps came from the forest, accompanied by swaying trees and the sound of a high pitch squeal and a low snarl.

Aerin shared a look of horror with her twin as he spoke in a voice of terror. "Ogres, we are lost." A twelve foot tall beast burst from the forest, flailing hammers and large branches, throwing orc, goblin and rider around like they were nothing. Aerin felt a hand brush her leg and looked down to see one of the Outriders reaching out to her from the pit trap. "M'lady, help." The young woman was skewered upon two spikes through her torso. Aerin knelt and hushed the Outrider as she took out her dagger and thrust it into the dying girl's heart. "The pain is over, rest." The Outrider went limp and Aerin stood back up.

She felt a rage overcome her and surged forward with a scream, she ran straight to the Ogre and stabbed down into it's side causing it to roar in pain. It swung down it's mace with all it's strength and Aerin could feel the end approaching. A sudden force pushed her to the side as Damian shoved into her. She gasped and in an instant the mace came down crushing her brother into a paste, she felt her world shatter as she hit the ground. The Ogre looked down at her and raised it's foot before bringing it down toward her and all went dark.