Daubeny Family/Aeron/March to Dunnbrook

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Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 4 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes ago March to Dunbrook.

Aeron looked at the report and left the room. His new estate was much larger then the one in Golden Farrow. Aeron did wonder if he made the right choice. he left the Wilard barracks hoping to have been chosen to lord over Barrow Peaks. But it seemed it would not be so.

He wasn't surprised though he did feel a sense of being disheartened. He reached his unit and handed the report to Captain Dirlen. "You have your orders, march at once to Dunnbrook. I will catch up with you at dawn the day after tomorrow."

The man saluted. "Understood Prince, we will march as soon as we are able." Aeron smiled and left his captain to rally the men. Aeron walked back towards his room. Once there he took a moment to sigh and collect his thoughts.

He poured himself a drink of Blackstone Apple Cider, no doubt this was the only good thing to ever bear the Blackstone name. All else was bitter and corrupted. Though such harsh thoughts left as swiftly as they came. Hearing the closness of the sea reminded him of home.

He walked out onto the balcony and looked out to the last light of the setting sun. It bathed him in a deep orange and purple light. With a somber tone he began to sing, his voice echoing throughout the estate and nearby beach carrying with it a foreign language not oft heard in the lands of Dwilight.

"Out of the Great Sea to this land. I am come. In this place will I abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world." Aeron sung in his native language.

The sun set and Aeron too soon felt cold take him, he brushed his hair back into place as a breeze blew along. His hand rubbed over his bumpy scarred flesh. He closed his eyes and tried to push all thoughts from his mind. He returned to his room and poured himself a drink.

He would need many more before this was all over.