Daubeny Family/Isle of Stone/War of the Isle and Beast/Fall of Northwatch

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Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (34 recipients) - 8 hours, 23 minutes ago The Fall of Northwatch

An arrow flew down from the wall and slammed into it's target. A pained guttural inhuman scream echoed throughout the mountain pass, one of many hundreds of screams as the battle raged all around. A tide of blue swept up across the hill's crest and smashed into the wall. It was as if their foe was innumerable and the defenders of the castle wondered if they could withstand the assault.

In the midst of this chaos guiding the defenders to hold was a woman, clad in steel armor with a silver circlet upon her brow signifying her rank to the men of the Northern Watch. Marshal Johanna swung her sword down and sliced off the head of a goblin that had climbed up the wall. It's purple blood splattering across the grey stones as its blue carcass fell from the walls.

"HOLD THE WALL!" She ordered to the warriors around her, she took a step back as a messenger ran up beside her. "M'lady, the Eastern Wall has been overrun what are your orders?" The Marshal swore. "Tell the men to fall back to the courtyard, we will hold them there." The messenger ran off and Johanna shouted to the small handful of warriors that guarded the western wall. "FALL BACK TO THE COURTYARD, WITHDRAW!" The twenty odd soldiers began to disengage from the walls, firing final volleys of arrows before following their marshal to the courtyard.

The defenders had all gathered in the courtyard, Johanna felt fear take her, only forty of the original two hundred strong garrison stood before the gate. Archers pulled back their arrows and loosed volleys at any that tried to reach the courtyard from the walls. The great iron gate began to shake as heavy blows struck it. A familiar high pitched screech that was followed by a low guttural snarl.

Johanna heard a man behind her speak in a hushed and terrified tone. "Ogres, Light preserve us they have Ogres." Johanna steeled herself as the gate erupted open. A great hulking form stormed into the courtyard. It was nearly twelve feet tall and covered in bulging muscles. It had four arms like the Oricans that now swarmed through the breach towards them. Johanna readied herself and shouted to the defender. "CHARGE, FOR THE ISLE!!" The men and women of the Isle surged forward and met the Oricans in a brutal melee.

Purple and red blood flowed and stained the cobbles, Johanna swung down and cut down one Orican only for two more to leap at her, she was a whirlwind of blades and fury, she lost count of how many foes she had slain. When she felt the thundering footsteps approaching her, she barely turned as the the Ogre swung its giant mallet at her. It cracked into her stomach and launched her to the side. The Marshal landed in a heap, coughing up blood, she was picked up by the Ogre which begun to squeeze her. She screamed in agony as her armor and body began to crack and break. She stabbed down slashing the Orge's eye causing it to drop her, she landed roughly and felt a hand pull her away from the roaring Ogre. She was helped up by a soldier, he looked young, covered in a mix of red and purple blood.

Johanna grabbed his shoulders. "RUN, SEND WORD TO THE GARRISON IN STONEHEARTH!" The young man nodded and made a run for the gate, Johanna followed him and slashed down a trio of Goblins that tried to stop him. The man had escaped from the castle and Johanna turned now back to the fight. Most of the defenders lay dead in the courtyard, the few remaining gathered around her at the gate.

"DALIWCH!"A foreign order echoed throughout the courtyard and the Oricans relented forming around the beaten defenders taunting and growling. A blue-skin taller and dressed finer then the rest approached and snarled at Johanna. She grit her teeth and shouted to the remaining defenders. "RUN NOW!" The ten remaining soldiers followed their orders and sprinted out the gate, once they were through Johana slashed her sword down and broke the winch.

The Orican horde surged forward roaring in rage at their prey escaping them, before the supposed leader roared another order. "STOPIWCH!" The horde stopped and the leader approached, snarling and in an accented broken voice. "You die goresgynnwr." Johanna let out a short bark of defiant laughter and shook her head. "No, you don't get the honor my death." She spun her blade in her hands and with a sharp pull stabbed it into her chest, she gasped and fell to a knee, blood flowed from her chest and Johanna felt her vision begin to blur. The leader came forward and swung its bronze axe down in between her shoulder and neck. Johanna felt her world fall away from under her and with one last quiet breath she spoke.

"Hervis..love can I rest now?"