Daubeny Family/Aeron/Onwards

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Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (34 recipients) - 4 days, 11 hours, 11 minutes ago Onwards

Aeron had arrived into Mozyr, he glanced around and made his way to a nearby village. "Pardon me Elder but where is the Lady of Mozyr?" The old farmer looked up from his crops and rolled his eyes at the armored knight. "She's in Itau with the Lady of Knyazes." Aeron smiled and nodded his thanks before continuing on his way.

He would travel to Dunnbrook and catch a carriage with Corna down to Itau, then he could deliver Haide her dress. Aeron smiled to himself, he looked forward to seeing Corna again and he found the idea of giving his friends a gift to warm his heart.

He wondered for a moment how Furaie was, Calypso seemed so harsh and uncaring for the Baroness of Faithill. He understood that the incident was a grievous one but both sides came out of it hurt, both sides carried the scars of this falling out.

He would have to bring her some wine, she seemed like a good person when they met after the incident, she clearly hid behind a mask of lies and harshness but Aeron believed there was something good behind all that.

The Dawn Guard were in better condition, it took Aeron most of his gold but he was able to repair the silver armor, now they marching in a tight formation. Silver armor glistening in the early sun. Half of the Banners now flowing the breeze carried the White Star of the Silver City. The other half carried the Daubeny Banner, the golden sun over the green chevron.

Feeling the warmth of the sun on his face caused Aeron to smile wider, it reminded him almost of home. Home.

It had only been a few short weeks since he left the Isle, still he had not even managed to raise any support. He thought for a moment. Maybe Caly could help him.