Daubeny Family/Aeron/Aftermath

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Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 5 days, 9 hours, 43 minutes ago Aftermath

Aeron rode along, attempting to cross the bridge to Dunnbrook. He was looking for a Goldoran Dragon Lily. Such a plant didn’t grow back home.

He saw a group of soldiers huddling together and could hear talks of needing a healer.

Curious he rode closer until he spotted a short lady leading another lady away on a horse both looked injured and Aeron thought he saw the Oroso bear.

He kicked the horse’s flanks and rode fast over to the soldiers now recognising the Haguns Dragon. He swung off the horse and grabbed his satchel from the horse.

He rushed over towards the soldiers. “I am Ser Aeron of Golden Farrow, is anybody hurt? I am a trained healer and I heard someone shout that you needed one.”

Roleplay from Furiae de Haguns Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp (Personal message to Aeron Daubeny) - 5 days, 5 hours, 53 minutes ago Aftermath

Captain Magnus knelt on the ground before the unconscious baroness, and checked her pulse and heart beat. They were stable, and the blood seemed to be slowly drying up in small clots in her nose after they sat the unresponsive baroness against one of the bridge's decaying parapets, luckily not enough to cause her to suffocate. The soldiers kept their distance, unnerved about their Marshal - she was not at risk of life, but they were worried about how she would react after regaining conscience, especially given her previous unchecked and unbalanced behavior with two noblewomen.

The captain spotted the knight that appeared and let a sigh of relief. "Sir, I am captain Magnus... as the baroness says, you seem to be carried by the winds, as if the Tidemother herself sent you. This...", he said, pointing to the young girl that lay unconscious, badly bruised, with marks of stranglement in her neck, the beginning of a swollen black eye on her right, and a broken nose, "This is Baroness Furiae de Haguns, Marshal of the Golden Host... I beg you sir, help her and... do not speak of what you see tonight, the baroness can be... quite generous with those that help her and know how to keep a secret", said the captain, a serious expression directed at the young knight, as he thought of some of Furiae's recent bribes. This was something that Magnus hated, but with the Haguns girl unconscious, he had to act in her stead.

Furiae de Haguns Baroness of Faithill Marshal of the Golden Hos

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (36 recipients) - 5 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes ago Aftermath

Aeron bowed to the Captain and when he motioned to the Baroness who he didn't notice unti she was pointed out, he gasped and rushed to kneel beside her. He immediately got to work, pausing only to raise an eyebrow at the Captain, clearly catching his meaning. He shook his head.

"Such rewards are not required from the Baroness, I am helping because that is the right thing to do, nobody owes me anything for this." He took out a small green vial and pulled the cork, he gently took the Baroness' chin and tilted it and poured the liquid down her mouth and throat. "Drink now, there we go." He put the vial back in his satchel. "That should ease her pain when she wakes up."

He then looked at her nose, obviously it was broken and needed to be set, he waited a few minutes until he saw sure the pain killer had taken effect. He took a small patch of leather and put it in her mouth to stop her from accidently biting her tongue off from reflexes. He took her nose in both his hands and gently but swiftly cracked it back into place. He then took a small patch and placed it over her nose, peeling off a strip off cloth so that it stuck with its sticky adhesive. He pointed to the patch and handed a pack of them to the Captain. 'This will stop it from swelling and quicken the healing process, she will need to wear one each day for about a week, then she can go without using them. Make sure she changes them every six hours."

He looked over and nodded, taking a small pair of tweezers and pulling out two long blood clots, the bleeding didn't continue and Aeron flicked the bloody blobs into the grass. He then looked at her neck, he paused and spoke to the Captain behind him as he searched through the satchel. "Who did this? None of these injuries are lethal thank the Stars but still any injury on a noble is unacceptable.

He pulled what looked like larger version of the patch that Aeron put on Furiae's nose, he peeled the cloth covering off and put the long and thin strip around the Baroness' neck, he nodded to her neck. "This should soothe the pain and tenderness, she will only to wear this tonight, she can take it off in the morning."

He then took a pale blue powder that was cold to the touch, he gently apply some with what looked like a makeup brush, he dusted it around her already bruised eye. After he was done he sighed in relief. "There, that should be all her pain dealt with and with luck she will mend fully by weeks end."

He took a small wooden stick that was covered in a form of oil from his satchel. "Now, let me wake her up." Holding it below her nose, he snapped it and waited a moment for the Baroness to begin to stir.

Roleplay from Furiae de Haguns Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 4 days, 13 hours, 46 minutes ago Aftermath

Captain Magnus observed the young knight tend to Furiae's wounds, and nodded. Though he had some experience with it in the battlefield, he was a man of sword and bow rather than a healer, and he had no other option than to trust Aeron, at least until healer Manah arrived. Aeron's questions as he examined Furiae concerned him, for he was no liar, but could not place his commander and protegee in a difficult situation."Those marks are the Viscountess's of Knyazes doing, Lady Nalaya Everwind... but it would be better if the baroness herself speak when she recovers her sense. I will try to convince Lady Furiae to follow your instructions, sir. Thank you for helping her... while she is unconscious, I may advise she can be... difficult to deal, but she means well, so please forgive any offense she may utter...", said the old captain with uncertainty, as he took the small patches from his hands.

It took a while after Aeron snapped the wooden stick before Furiae's nose, but she started to move slowly, first her head, until she slowly opened her head. "Ugh...", she grunted, confused. "... Where am I? Nalaya? Haide? Where are they...?", her eyes frantically wandered around her, a bit unfocused, her vision blurred by the night's darkness and still feeling disorientated. "I... I cannot see...", suddenly her face stopped before Aeron's, and she reached her hand towards it, a gentle smile in her lips. "... Sister? Sierra, is that you? You've grown so much... I am sorry I left you in Perdan without saying goodbye, how did you... come here?". Her mind went back to her family, her brothers and sisters, and this felt odd. Why would Sierra be here, and why was she so much older... Furiae started blinking confused, as her vision started to return and Aeron's face became finally discernible, his spectacles an odd thing she had only seen in some older scribes. She frowned in surprise, unaware of how injured she was, though she felt a lingering pain in her face and neck. "... Who are you? What happened?"

Meanwhile, sounds could be heard as soldiers approached coming from the direction of Furiae's camp. Ten more soldiers escorted a cart that could be used to bring the injured baroness, and healer Manah amongst them, inside the cart. As they arrived, the older woman went straight towards the cluster of soldiers that surrounded the Baroness and shoved the knight sideways without a second glance. "Move, this is my job!", said the healer, as she examined Furiae carefully with her trained eye. "Nasty, nasty... but not lasting, I think. Hmm, hmm. This was good, I think it was you", Manah said, turning towards Aeron, "that patched her injuries? None of the soldiers know past the basic, and even that would be too much praise".

Furiae looked confused at them, slowly recovering her senses still. "I... where is Nalaya, Haide? I remember... the fight... and I was going towards... and then all became dark..."

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 4 days, 10 hours, 57 minutes ago Aftermath

Aeron raised an eyebrow and looked at the Captain Magnus, clearly unsettled. "Nalaya? Would she do this? She seemed so polite and kind in my missives from her." He was silent until the Captain mentioned how Furaie could be a bit much to deal with. Aeron shrugged to the Captain and smiled. "I am certain she can't be all that bad, but if it would ease your mind I will forgive and forget anything rude or unseemly that is said."

He took a small step back as Furiae woke up, he didn't want her to feel claustrophobic. Aeron in a softer voice spoke to try and calm the baroness. "You are in at the bridge of Dunnbrook and Kynazes...wait did you say?" He was cut off by Furiae reaching out towards him and calling him sister and referring to her by the name Sierra. He felt a sadness overtake him for a moment, being mistaken for a loved one was always a difficult thing to process. Furiae frowned as recognition came over her eyes.

Aeron found he couldn't meet her blue eyes, until she asked him who he was. He smiled at her. "I am Ser Aeron Daubeny, I was just passing through gathering things when I noticed you were injured. I have done what I can and you should heal fine if you rest for about a week." He heard an old woman's voice come from behind him and was quickly shoved to the side. He took a step back and readjusted his glasses with a disapproving glance.

He waited and then nodded and gave a small curt bow to the healer. "Indeed ma'am, I have tended to my brother's injuries after his late nights brawling and drinking when we were younger, broken noses and the like are sort of my specialty."

He then patted his satchel lightly and smiled. "I have also studied medical aid extensively." He turned his attention back to the Baroness when she spoke, he froze seemingly concerned as a look of worry crossed his eyes. "Haide? Lady Oroso was here as well...you fought them?"

He put his hand to his chin and started to mumble to himself softly. "That doesn't make sense at all, why would one Goldoran attack another, this was clearly not a well meant test or training match otherwise Haide and Nalaya would still be here, Light Guide me, this doesn't make sense." He shook his head. "Sorry M'lady, your captain has already asked me to keep quiet about what I have seen and heard but that doesn't mean I don't desire to understand what has occurred, maybe I can help you more?"

Roleplay from Furiae de Haguns Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 4 days, 5 hours, 25 minutes ago Aftermath

"Manah, Magnus, step back, I want some privacy to speak with...", Furiae paused, as her captain and healer stepped a few steps behind them. She was visibly tired and trying to focus, but disorientation still affected her, and her eyes could not fixate on Aeron, her head shaking involuntarily. "... Sir Aeron. Apologies, I am still... oh, damn, it hurts", she complained, touching her temples. Manah immediately approached and crouched besides her. "Better get her into the cart. Join us, sir Aeron. While we make haste for the marshal's camp. There she can get some rest and recover", said the healer, while Magnus picked up the baroness weakened body with ease and held her fatherly. Though while Furiae seemed weak and prone to faint, her mind was fastly recovering and she started to understand everything that had happened. And an idea started to cross her mind, just as she glanced at Aeron.

The captain of the guard went towards the cart and gently placed Furiae amongst some straw cushions that were used to transport wounded soldiers, though those had been a rarity in the Thunderstorm Guard after Furiae reformed them following the souther expedition. "M'lady, rest now. We will take care of everything, and bring Swifstar to the camp".

The baroness said a meek "thank you" to the captain and tried to adjust herself in the cart to be in a comfortable position. Finally, the girl made gestured for Aeron to approach. "Sir, ride your horse along me... I wish I could ride, but maybe it is not wise. If you healed me, I ought to thank you... there is food in the camp, and a stableboy could groom your horse, you could spend the night in a noble guest's tent, so you do not ride alone at night... so you do not get ambushed as I was", she started the lie, one of the many that had crossed her mind minutes ago, as she thought of her attack on the viscountesses.

"You wish to understand what happened?", she sighed and shook her head, only to wince and place a hand close to the swollen eye, and as she touched it, it suddenly dawned on her. She gasped. "Is... is this going to leave... any mark on my face?", she finally asked, in a tone that exude fear and despair.

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 4 days, 4 hours, 28 minutes ago Aftermath

Aeron stepped forward to assist Furiae when the Captain picked her up, he snapped a salute. "Yes, I will join you on the trip back to the camp." He stood out of the Thunderstorm Guard's way as they put the Baroness in the cart and started to organize everything. He waited until Furiae motioned him over, he pulled his horse along and mounted up beside the cart. He gave Furiae a smile.

"It is no worry M'lady, your vision will likely be blurry for a few hours, I promise you, it will pass." He listened to her words but shook his head with a smile. "No need for thanks Baroness, it is my pleasure to help, seeing you on the mend is all the thanks I need." His stomach growled slightly and he looked embarrassed. "But is has been a long day, a meal and a warm bed would be nice, thank you."

He seemed concerned at the mention of ambush. "Yes, ambush would be less then preferable..." A thought of who was truly the ambusher crossed his mind but he made no sign of such a thought crossing him mind and he dared not raise it vocally.

He smiled sincerely at Furiae's concern about her face bearing a mark and shook his head. "Nothing permanent, the powder I applied should lessen how noticeable it will be but there will be a slight mark for maybe a day or two."

Roleplay from Furiae de Haguns Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 2 days, 11 hours, 54 minutes ago Aftermath

"Nothing permanent, the powder I applied should lessen how noticeable it will be but there will be a slight mark for maybe a day or two."

Just as captain Magnus ordered the troops to march, two horses started pulling the cart away, gaining pace as they started to move through the damaged road, sometimes bumping on loose cobblestones and causing the baroness to shake inside the wagon, which visibly annoyed her. “Go slowly, you idiots…”, she muttered.

As Aeron explained that the bruises were only temporary, and she would recover soon, Furiae sighed in relief. “Praise the Tidemother, I… I do not know how I would react if…”, she could not even utter those words, fearful as she was of attracting bad luck, but her thoughts went immediately to what if she would do if her pretty face was damaged. At least she was safe from not becoming a calypso. Still, as much as the man insisted confidently that all would be well, the baroness felt a feeling of dread growing inside her, her paranoid tendencies once again taking a grip on her… what if that Aeron was lying, and she was going to have a mark on her face?

As she used to do to push away those intrusive thoughts, Haguns shook her head, but this time she winced a bit as the sudden movement caused her head to spin and a sharp pain near her cheekbones and nose. “Ouch… yes, an ambush! You must beware of some nobles, especially noblewomen around, sir Aeron. Do not trust neither the Viscountess Nalaya Everwind nor the Viscountess Haide Osoro, they are vipers of the worst kind, as this poor baroness face reveals…”, she sighed, as she forced a tear to fall from her eyes, more due to the pain she had felt than anything else.

“I have been betrayed, sir Aeron. Betrayed”, she paused to let it sink, giving her time to work on the finesses of the lie, which should have a bit of truth on it. “Lady Haide Osoro sent a letter to me many weeks ago, asking for advice on how to defy her Marshal’s orders to put an end to a rebellion… I explained to her that it was unbecoming of a loyal noble of Tol Goldora, and that she should follow orders, only for that mad woman to lose her composure in following letters she sent me, for she did not accept my opinions. We have… no we had a friend in common, Lady Nalaya Everwind, and I requested that she should act as a mediator in this conflict that Lady Osoro was trying to foster against my noble self”, she paused as the cart’s wooden wheels struck a dirt road on the way to her camp near Dunnbrook, eyeing Aeron to probe how he was taking the tale, before she continued.

“Lady Nalaya and I were… both born in Perdan, and I am afraid we met as innocent children there in a ridiculous situation she still holds a grudge against me to this day. None of us knew who each other were truly, but by connecting the dots… she now hates me”, Furiae scoffed. “As if I would care, with so many things at a stake… so after she sent a nasty letter to me complaining about it, I brushed it aside, for as Marshal of the Golden Host, I have more pressing concerns than childish grudges…”

“Baroness, we are almost arriving, I can see the lights from the camp nearby!”, said captain Magnus, as the silhouette of tents appeared in the horizon, lights dotting the ground where soldiers warmed themselves by firesides.

“Good, good, captain…”, said the Marshal, before turning to Aeron, “Now… I had come in good faith to Knyazes, as I expected to be well received. We were supposed to meet by this bridge, a place I felt was a safe one to speak frankly, and try to understand why Lady Haide was behaving so erratically. I could never expect for her and Nalaya to ambush me!”, she decried, “As they approached me, Haide hugged me to display her affection, while Nayala took the opportunity to disarm me when I was vulnerable... I had trust on them, and had not anticipated that they would take their unfair and unreasonable anger at me to such dire consequences... Then… they started to beat me, though I offered some resistance, we fell to the ground and the Viscountess of Knyazes tried to… strangle me”, she pointed to the bruise marks left in her pale neck. “I was luck that the bridge was damaged and had so many loose stones, in self defense I wounded her head and she faltered, only to have Lady Osoro come after me, though my Thunderstorm Guard reacted quickly and rushed to save me from those mad women… I fainted, so I do not remember what happened afterwards, I apologize…”

Roleplay from Aeron Daubeny Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (37 recipients) - 2 days, 8 hours, 38 minutes ago Aftermath

Aeron rode alongside Furiae’s cart and listened to her tale, as she called Haide and Nalaya vipers. Aeron seemed to hesitate, a look of doubt and concern crossing his face.

His look was then empathetic, regardless of who truly attacked who, the Baroness was clearly in pain as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Aeron reached into his satchel and threw a green vial into Furiae’s lap. He nodded “For the pain, it should help ease it. But that’s the last dose I can give you, any more vials like that tonight and you will be feeling it in the morning.”

He listened silently as Furiae spoke, he did his best to not outwardly show too much emotion, he resolved to keep himself as neutral and unbiased as he could. Doing his best to not let the beautiful Baroness sway him.

When she finished and apologised Aeron gave a small encouraging smile. “Worry not M’lady, you have told me all you can and that is what I asked, I will have to have words with Haide when I see her to visit the tailors.”

He looked ahead with a pensive look crossing his face. “This doesn’t make any sense, two Goldoran noblewoman attacking their Marshal. And they both seemed so kindhearted and polite in our missives.”

He glanced to Furiae and sighed. “I am so sorry to hear of what has befallen you, I will be most certain to question Lady Oroso about this when I see her.”

He looked back as the camp came clearly into view. “Camp, good. You’ll need to rest up, I am sure it’s been a long day for you.”

Roleplay from Furiae de Haguns Player experience level: new Player play preference: rp Message sent to all nobles of Tol Goldora (35 recipients) - 1 day, 8 hours, 45 minutes ago Aftermath

Amongst the startles caused by wooden wheels as the card crossed the rough dirty roads, Furiae let some of the liquid from the green vial drip through her mouth and fall into her black embroidered in goldwork uniform, but paid no mind to it, instead focusing her attention to Aeron’s impassive face as he started to reveal he had already spoken with Haide through letters. She just let him speak, her eyebrow arching with interest, the more he spoke.

“Worry not M’lady, you have told me all you can and that is what I asked, I will have to have words with Haide when I see her to visit the tailors.”

“This doesn’t make any sense, two Goldoran noblewoman attacking their Marshal. And they both seemed so kindhearted and polite in our missives.”

“I am so sorry to hear of what has befallen you, I will be most certain to question Lady Oroso about this when I see her.”

Her face started to scowl lightly, but as she felt a sudden sharp pain near her nose, she grimaced and then her expression softened, just as she realized she should not let her emotions get a hold on her – as much difficult as it was.

“A word of warning, sir Aeron… as I told you, they are vipers and enjoy feigning friendship to approaching unsuspecting nobles, so they can enthrall them and abuse of them… They tried to exploit my good will and trust towards them, and they attacked me, all because they hold silly grudges. If you wish to meet Lady Haide Osoro, I have given you warning, but as all things in life, the final decision and choice is yours. As well as the consequences…”, she said it in a quiet tone and paused, her eyes glaring at Aeron as she let the words sink. “… Consequences you see now before you, for I paid with blood and soul from trusting Lady Haide Osoro and Lady Nalaya Everwind.”

The cart and the retinue finally arrived by the camp and captain Magnus gave his hand to Furiae, while a soldier crouched in all fours to serve as a step for her to get out of the wagon. Her eyes glanced between Magnus and Aeron. “Sir Aeron, apologies, but I feel as I need to rest… Captain Magnus, ensure our guest receives warm food, a bottle of my best wine, and as much as needs or wants – food, supplies, drinks… And arrange a noble’s pavilion so he may rest, a stableboy to groom his horse… I think that should do it, but make sure he is well attended”, she finished, before turning one last time to Daubeny. “Sir, my savior, I bid you a good night… and may the winds bring us together again.” She made her way limping a bit towards her pavilion, but soon her pace returned to normal.