Kronos Family/Peleus

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The Begining is Always Hard

Kakarot was probably the toughest, strictest, and to put it simply the dumbest. So Peleus had what you could say a rather tough childhood. Things got bad when his mother got very sick, she eventually died and left Peleus and his father. Peleus was 9 at the time. To make matters worst there was a 5 year drought and nothing could be grown on the Kronos farm. With this matter at hand the Peleus and his father were always, I guess you could say “At the wrong place at the wrong time”. Peleus’s father was in on the black market to try and earn themselves some money. His father was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison. Peleus was 12 when this wonderful incident happened; he had to a way to keep his family land. So he went to go work for a wealthy weapons smith, he trained under him for 2 years and worked his ass off to try and keep the farm. This weapons smith was a little bit of a quake, he was obsessed with war and military tactics. So as Peleus was learning to make weapons, or people thought he was learning how to make weapons, but in reality he was being trained in the art of war. Peleus’s father was release after he had served his 3 three year and then was called to fight, in one of his first battles he was killed. Peleus was alone now; all he had left was his farm and this weapon smith master. Now what I am sure you do not realize is this weapons smith was Okami Kronos, Peleus’s uncle. So Peleus was pretty much adopted by his uncle at the age of 13. Now Okami had a son also, well two but one died before his first year. Beowulf was his name and Peleus and Beowulf were like brothers.

Life Is Good Too