Osha Family/Sera

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Earlier Life

Such information has long since been lost to the mists of time (or purposely buried perhaps?), however rumours persist of Sera spending several years in the Northern Wildlands during his youth and of being an energetic player of the bloody sport of Headball.

Lordship of Helsera

Sera was briefly appointed as Count of Helsera after his violent rampages through the region aided in swiftly bringing the region into Giblot control. However due to a low key military presence during Sera's short, but bloody rule, the Helserans revolted in mass protests against their Lord. Sera vowed to return one day make the Helserans suffer terribly for their rejection. Sera kept his promise too, having hundreds of Helserans massacred shortly after he forced the Assassins to relinquish control of Helsera back to Giblot in his capacity as Chancellor.

Political Career in the Republic

During a clash of the Republic's political titans earlier in Sera's career, Sera sided against Thanatos Reavar - the man who had basically ran the show unbrokenly since Giblot's earlier times. Sera supported the wise and renowned Goergyboy in the clash, who had somehow managed to gain election as Prime Minister even in the face of Thanatos' blatant political corruption. Events of the time almost led to Civil War, but Goergyboy was too respectful of the Republic too fight it. Thus, Thanatos was allowed to regain and subsequently retain his grip on Giblot. The relationship between Sera and Thanatos would be strained henceforward.

In the dying months of the Republic of Giblot, Sera was appointed as the realm's final Minister of Defence after Alexander Gary was elected as Prime Minister (Thanatos had been weakened by a bout of flu, creating the bizarre opening.) Sera found much enjoyment in his new position, with all the freedom and trappings that it brought him. The new Defence Minister gleefully took the chance to use his position as a staging post to denounce his enemies in the realm at large, as well as to make use of the unlimited number of scribes at his disposal (See Scribes.) A highly beneficial situation in light of Sera's frequent Scribe massacres.

In Sera's time as as Minister of Defence, Giblot conducted a pincer movement with Lukon against the realm of Outer Tilog, which led to that realm's reduction to a single region after a successful campaign of looting and rampant disorder across the Southern river (leading to the revolt of several regions formerly pledged to Outer Tilog.) Giblot had also been poised to take the final Tilogian city, but Sera had other idea's in mind. As the Giblot army gathered in Steepglades and Rollsovar for a final assault on Outer Tilog, Sera launched a coup against Thanatos in the capital. In a matter of hours Sera controlled most key locations and government buildings in the capital, prompting the abandonment of the Tilogian Conquest by Prime Minister Thanatos himself.

Role in the Giblot Civil War

Political Career in the Democracy

Career in Toren

Time in Fontan, Fwuvoghor & Alowca

Final return to Giblot


Sera was eventually killed in a death duel by Saiga Shenron, a man who himself would one day become Chancellor of Giblot. The chaotic circumstances that led to the death duel were fittingly 'Seran.'


Butcher of Helsera
  • Appointed by Prime Minister Thanatos Reaver.
  • Sera's entitlement was given after Sera's campaign of terror aided significantly in the campaign to retrieve Helsera back from the Assassins Guild.
  • Helsera eventually rose up in revolt against the rule of nobility over it after their experiences with the Assassins and Sera's own depraved and despotic rule.
Minister of Defence of Giblot
  • Appointed by Prime Minister Alexander Gary.
  • Sera was made Defence Minister after significant lobbying by both the Detinu Family and himself against the usual old boy's network style of appointments.
  • Sera presided over the military campaign that reduced Outer Tilog to one region.
  • For much of his time as Defence Minister, Sera styled himself as 'Minister of Offence.'
De-Facto Ruler of Giblot
  • Position achieved after successfully ousting the corrupt Republican government of Thanatos Reaver from power.
Chancellor of Giblot
  • Sera became Chancellor after succumbing to widespread pressure to reform Giblot into a Democracy.
  • Bizarrely, a Tyranny had been the original plan of Sera.
  • Regardless, Giblot for the first time reached it's greatest territorial extent during Sera's reign as Chancellor.
  • Sera also presided over an economic boom which greatly increased the affluence of the Giblot nobility.
Minister of Finances of Giblot
  • Reforms of the tax system led to greater tax equality under Sera's stewardship.
  • It also saw less gold frittered away through poor investment.
Baron of Steepglades
  • Appointed by Chancellor Alexander Gary.
  • Sera gave up his finance ministry in order to take up a position in the provinces, ready to crack Tilogian skulls.
Baron of Cave of Guilt
  • Appointed by Pontifex Phear.
  • Apparently, Sera makes a convincing slavish follower of Tor.
Paladin Primus of Toren
  • Elected by popular vote.
  • Sera never actually led any campaigns - he was more concerned about being able to disband militia when he launched his rebellion.
  • Sera's attempt at setting up a despotic tyranny in Toren sadly failed after the intervention of Tor.


Sera has been involved in many rebellions.


Sera is awfully fond of his personal battleaxe, which picked up the affectionate nickname of 'The SplatterAxe' back in the heyday of it's use.