Noire Family

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Revision as of 21:10, 24 December 2020 by Tester (talk | contribs)
Noire Family
Noire Family Heraldry.png
Fame 9
Wealth 1310
Home Region Bescanon
Home World East Continent

A small noble family from the backwoods of Bescanon. The family lacking in wealth and prestige was never treated as more than a lapdog except when the Noire Horses were needed for war efforts. The Noire Frisians are highly trained steeds bred for generations by the Noire's. Dustiria Noire wanting more than a life of useless orders went forth to Perdan to prove the Noire family is capable of more and to find her purpose.


A portrait of Dustiria Noire.

Dustiria participated in the battle to free Bescanon and spent a time there as knight under Duke Kenneth before getting her title of Countess. She was also reunited with a long time family friend and former Duke of Perdan Smidditch Fontaine whom she had not seen while Bescanon was occupied by Eppyolon.

Dustiria Noire was given proprietress over the Bloody Stump by Duke Smidditch Fontaine. This is a pub of good repair, decent ale, and welcomes any rank of patronage. It is by no means fancy and tends to be favored by the local common folk, nobles, and Noire cavalry. The lady can be found here when not on duty as Judge-Majester of Perdan, Countess of Nascot, and Vice Marshall of The Vigilant order. Dustiria has expanded The Bloody Stump Franchise and given the one in Perdan over to The Duchess Aila Storme so Dustiria can oversee the stumps all over the continent.

Dustiria was released from her duties as sworn sword to the Imperatrix Alyssa Kingsley upon receiving her position as Countess of Nascot.

Another thing of note is during the turmoil leading up to the volcano erupting a cat fell from a tree as Dustiria rode under it. Burr, a very fluffy , orange, and white cat now rides on her shoulder no matter where she is and what she is doing. He was even on her shoulder as she set the crown upon Queen Alyssa's head.

Dustiria was also granted the title Blade of the White for her service guarding as sworn sword to Alyssa.

Many a tale has been shared around campfires of this fiery red haired warrior of her numerous battles leading the Noire Calvary and the times she recused Alyssa or in turn had to be rescued. She is known to charge bravely with lance lowered at her foes and has many scars to show for it. Currently she is learning to be an expert monster and undead hunter under Viscount Salem Belmont to better serve as vice Marshall of the vigilant order.