Unti Family/Nerta/A4S3

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Letter from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Greetings Agyrian Academy,

I have come to Agyr to look into some information. Would any of you happen to know of any books, scrolls, etc... that deal with the Ephemeral Emperor?

Best regards,
Soren Navaar (Knight of Seven Rivers)

Letter from Ryosuke Guile
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Aspirant and Knight, Soren of House Navaar,

Firstly, your name is exceedingly familiar to me. I feel as though one of my ancestors may have dwelt in the north and interacted with someone of your name in the past. I am glad to see House Navaar alive myself, and look forward to seeing what benefits you bring all of mankind.

As for information regarding the Ephemeral Emperor, I am actually working on translating a passage from an old tome that seems to relate to him. I shall send you a copy when I am finished, if you would like?

Vox Noctis,
Ryosuke Guile (Hierophant, Defence Minister of Irondale, Royal of Irondale, Duke of Prisma Noctis, Margrave of Firbalt, Dean, Firbault of Agyrian Academy,)

Letter from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Dean and Hierophant Ryosuke,

I would greatly appreciate that. I'm doing a bit of research after the events in Keffa, and why not start with the one who can twist fate Himself.

It is very possible that an ancestor may have interacted with one of yours. My great grandfather was also called Soren, but he served under House Calanar. I was merely given the name with the hopes that I could aspire to his accomplishments, though I've found little record among my own family's estates.

Best regards,
Soren Navaar (Knight of Seven Rivers)

Letter from Quincy Stormreaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy

I am both pleased and astonished to find a temple of The Old Gods here in Firbalt, or anywhere really. My father, Zul'Jin II of House Stormreaver, is a staunch follower and I would be remiss if I did not follow in his esteemed footsteps. I bring with me a large offering for The Gods, I trust the elders will know what to do with it.

Iron Within and Sexy Velvet Without,
Quincy Stormreaver (Steward of Gethsemene)

Letter from Orianna
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Wise Academics,

With some luck and then some hard work, I have found (and then improved and repaired) a unique item I hope one of you (or a friend!) will be interested in.

It is the Battered Codpiece of Lemontree (armour). It is presently at 87 % condition and offers its owner a wonderful + 6 to their presite and +4% Oratory; perhaps one of the priestly types would be interested? Please let me know as I shall offer it here where I think it will do the most good before I offer it elsewhere.
Orianna (Adventurer)

Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
After searching the area for 2 hours, following trails and noises, you finally encounter an organized horde of militant, heavily armed undead.
They are led by an undead champion, an evil creature with more power and intelligence than the usual lot.
The battle rages, you against the undead. Your blows land true, shattering them to dust left and right.
The champion makes you sweat; he is quite the opponent. But in the end, he is just a pile of bones, too.

Between two of the Seven Rivers, a small shrine is erected, with the skulls of monsters placed on spikes in a circle around the remnants of a great undead champion. Coppers covered the eyes of each monster, and silvers fitted into the sockets of the champion.

The locals, if asked, say it is a shrine to the Old Gods. The coppers were to speed the Children to their Father, and the silvers were to taunt any necromancer who saw them with the metal of purity in one of their abominations, and none of the villagers would dare to remove the coins. Not yet, anyway.

But a few, if plied with drink, will whisper that a fell-handed adventurer reaped the champion and slew all the monsters on the spikes. And that she had said only one thing about it.

It was a challenge, to the Wolf Lord himself.
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)

Report from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Magic in the Air
The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.
Magic in the Air
The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.
Monsters have been seen in the region of Fronepu.
The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.
Seems unlikely this is coincidence.
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)

Letter from Sylvia
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
I don't know what to make of this. I have defeated much larger, stronger groups, but I have tried six times over the last two days to defeat this particular group and it simply will not fall. Very annoying. Stupid things - die and stay dead, will ya?!
Sylvia (Adventurer)

Roleplay from Ryosuke Guile
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
~ The Old Gods Temple, Firbalt ~

Having spent the majority of the morning reviewing the cascade of letters marked as crucial to the realm, Ryosuke finishes his letters to the ruler and general of Nova and then lets out a quiet sigh. Sitting in his study within the House of Falling Leaves, the young Hierophant seems at ease. A gentle tapping from outside brings his attention back down to earth from its meandering, and the voice of Captain Erich of the Dawnguard carries through the shoji-walls easily; "Your Grace, Priest Tristan has completed the sanctification and enlargement of the Temple, as requested."

"Perfect. Thank you, Erich. Cancel the rest of my appointments for the afternoon, I shall make my way to the Temple straightaway." Ryosuke responds in his gentle and lilting voice as he rises and dons his usual full-face silver mask and sable robe before briskly setting off towards the part of the city that has been repurposed for the Old Gods and their faiths.

Upon reaching the newly designated temple lands, Ryosuke is stunned by the view in front of him:

What was once a run-down slum under the Paxwax-Monarchy had been revitalised, after the citizens of the slums were relocated and given new homes and jobs under the Republic. The entire area is walled off and countless trees can be seen poking their leafy heads above the perimeter. The main gate of the temple grounds is open and of a style unlike anything else on the Island. Heavy stone foundations lead up to vermillion coloured wooden columns, capped in black and supporting an elegant and sweeping roof. Engraved at the top of the Paifang are characters that are only familiar to the most studious of nobles, but a small sign on the right hand side of the heavy stone entrance translates the characters in common "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished". With a soft chuckle, Ryosuke moves across the threshold and immediately feels the transition from mundane to sacred, exactly as intended.

The pathway leading further into the temple grounds is neatly paved, and the lands within are carefully manicured and maintained by the growing number of lower-level clergymen residing within the cloisters located nearby. Flowering plants and fruit-bearing trees are lined up with mathematical precision to give one the impression of being surrounded by a most-deliberate feeling sense of natural splendor. The juxtaposition of man's force and nature's will working together to create a harmonic balance that is hard to duplicate. Several small individual shrines are scattered about the ever-growing temple lands, each dedicated to one of the aspects of the Divine, and in a style reflecting their own portfolios and particularities. In the center of the grounds lies the main structure of the large temple, seemingly grown out of the very bones of the earth itself. A sense of sacred mystery, and of things hidden, fills every onlooker as they approach the windowless building. With a sweeping roof to match that of the Paifang at the entrance, the entire structure gives off a rather overwhelming feeling. Heavy black stone with golden veins running through it, seemingly without any seams, makes up the entirety of the construct. The double doors are covered in myriad symbols from time immemorial, and across all the islands of the world. Bowing his head as he passes the threshold, Ryosuke is suddenly floored by the large statue that takes up the center of the hall.

The Masked One stands eight meters tall, with his golden eyes seeming to stare straight into the soul of everyone passing through the entry. Around the base of the statue lie many offerings to the Scintillating Mystery; books, quills, scrolls, items arcane, and innumerable bouquets of herbs. The entire room is lit by recessed torches behind thin gilded screens, allowing a diffused light unlike anything seen before to illuminate the worship-hall of the Hidden Thunder himself.

"My word... I will have to thank Priest Tristan in person for this..." Ryosuke says as he moves deeper into the building, exploring every nook and cranny over the course of the rest of the day.
Ryosuke Guile (Hierophant, Defence Minister of Irondale, Royal of Irondale, Duke of Prisma Noctis, Margrave of Firbalt, Dean, Firbault of Agyrian Academy,)

Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Message sent to Message sent to: Aelanta Peregrine, Aeravon Velaryon, Beomia Barras, Bob Baceolus, Deve, Finlay Keswick, Greyson Stewart, Jacinda, Marzo Zond, Maximia, Mielba Cordenata, Moira, Nerta, Outo Olavi Cosula, Rowan Hawk, Shaw, Soren Navaar, Stewart, Sylvia, Vankocuf Felsenbach, Wren
Report from Dancer Rea
Message sent to the rulers of Beluaterra
An incident has come to my attention, that should be shared with the rulers as a whole. Recently, a Steward of Ar Agyr came to Thalmarkin, in an attempt to make a long distance trade. However, this steward did not announce themselves, simply slinking into Thalmarkin lands. As many of you know, Thalmarkin has suffered from a rash of infiltrator attacks over the last several months, as well as several bad actors over the last few years. Due to the increasing amount of activity, I am closing Thalmarkin's borders to all unannounced foreign nobles. While we will welcome guests, I expect all visits to be announced before your nobles step on Thalmarkin soil. I am allowing this Steward to pass, however, from now on, any foreign noble in Thalmarkin lands who did not announce themselves prior to entering will be treated as an enemy of the state, and aggressively removed.
Share this letter with your nobility, so that there are no "mistakes" in the future.
~King Dan of Thalmarkin

It would be wise to steer clear of Thalmarkin until King Dancer becomes less panicky.

This is also a timely reminder that the courageous need only face death once where others must face him many many times.
Aibhlidhn Dubhaine (Queen of Ar Agyr, Royal of Ar Agyr, Duchess of Havilmark, Countess of Tepmona)

Roleplay from Jacinda the Driven
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
The monsters had taken Tepmona. The army was elsewhere, dealing with even larger hordes, and there was nothing else that could stop that many.

But first, one of the alphas fell. A leader, with a whole horde at her back, was found dead as nearby villagers made their way home through a ravine. All of them with their heads on stakes, coppers covering each eye.

And then, after the last banner was lowered from villages that would not honour a realm that could not defend them from the things that stalked the night, an entire greater troupe, composed of monstrosities that could have led their own individual hordes, went missing. Watchful and wary, a small band from the hamlet the troupe had been harrying explored, and found a shrine with thirteen heads, all with coins over their eyes, staked in a circle, with an old, blood-covered knife point-first in the middle.

Word had spread from the land of the Seven Rivers, and they recognized the handiwork, and realized who they had been hosting in the old preacher's hut for the last few nights. There was plenty of gossip about whomever was building these shrines. They knew what the coins were for, paying the Ferryman, and they knew she was challenging the Wolf Lord, mad as that sounded.

And so rumours spread further about the Ferryman's Tiger, sending the Wolf Lord's Children to their deaths, but guiding them well after their death.

What would come of all that, they did not know. But at least there were fewer monsters to trouble them.

(OOC I lost one of the messages, but Jacinda successfully killed an alpha monster on a hunt, and then used Books of Monster Hunting, and got this message.)

​​​​​​​All three books combined, and with enough time, the text starts to make sense. You read it, and it engulfs you. Techniques you never dreamt about enter your mind, and in your mind you follow them. Then you notice that you have started following them with your body as well. In your dream-like state, you ambush a group of 13 monsters. To your big surprise, you start cutting them down, one by one. This one with a poison needle from the trees, that one into a spiked pit, those two with a trap, and so on. Before you know it, the entire group has been wiped out.
Jacinda the Driven (Adventurer)

Letter from Soren Navaar
Message sent to Everyone in the Agyrian Academy
Greetings Fellow Academics,

I'd like to announce the opening of a new branch of the academy in Seven Rivers.

There will be several pieces left to deal with in the coming days for straightening out the necessities of some of the buildings, and any requests. I'm also happy to announce that we will have a bardic wing, and I am happy to collect stories, songs, and anything of the bardic tradition here.

Best Regards,
Soren Navaar (Knight of Seven Rivers)