Nighthelm Weekly/Nobles/Lloyd

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Lloyd, the youngest son from his family, was the quickest to rise in his realm. He joined Nighthelm in the Far East in anticipation for much fighting under the then motto of bloody fighting. However, soon after he joined the realm, he learned much of his skills from the influential Thraymn. Ever since then, Lloyd lived in awe of Thraymn, as well as Nighthelm's former ruler Senoske. He soon saw both of his idols in a conflict in which many of the nobles of Nighthelm rose up against King Senoske. Lloyd, reluctant to see the two fight, delivered a long speech preaching unity to Nighthelm's nobles but he took more time to rethink his beliefs. He soon eagerly followed Thraymn in hopes of proving his worth in this conflict and bettering the poor Nighthelm. Thus, he quickly became an important piece in the days to come. When Rhittalia was formed, Lloyd was the sole noble who had been sent north to aid Lasanar AND remain loyal to Nighthelm. As he tried to cross the impossible border through Hatdhes, he fought bravely alone and got wounded. Diplomatic affairs were resolved as Lloyd slept in his bed, wounded during the fight. Lloyd went on to become the eight member of Nighthelm's first senate representing Loki, the trickster. He was meant to be the noble who represented the newer members of Nighthelm. Soon, after the return of Razrpot, he became the local lord of Razrpot. He personally liked Razrpot because of its fresh mountain air along with the residency of one of his close friends, Edge. Edge went on to continue his own trading life in the Antoza Commonwealth. Lloyd was left to guard over his family in Razrpot and he makes sure he fulfills his duty there. Lloyd then realized that Nighthelm was receiving much interest from new nobles. Remembering his old days with Thraymn, he wished to be a role model for the new nobles by becoming a mentor. Despite the low number of nobles who signed up for his mentorship, he tried hard in becoming a great teacher for his students. Later, he volunteered to become the leader of the Hammer of Thor regiment, where all the new nobles start in their careers in Nighthelm. Today, Lloyd is still in Nighthelm, serving as a Senator, looking to spread his legacy.